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Eclipse Zenoh

The Eclipse Zenoh: Zero Overhead Pub/sub, Store/Query and Compute.

Zenoh (pronounce /zeno/) unifies data in motion, data at rest and computations. It carefully blends traditional pub/sub with geo-distributed storages, queries and computations, while retaining a level of time and space efficiency that is well beyond any of the mainstream stacks.

Check the website and the roadmap for more detailed information.


zenoh-tetris: a networked two-player Tetris implementation written with Zenoh and Rust. The game follows the client-server model. A server manages the game state, publishes it and subscribes to player input. While a client subscribes to the game state, renders it and publishes player input. Thus, clients can play against each other from potentially different network hosts.

zenoh-shamir: illustrates Shamir's secret sharing by splitting a secret into 'shares' and storing them on distinct, interconnected Zenoh routers. Another Zenoh node implements a Queryable which collects all shares into the original secret.

zenoh-pico-dds/{helloworld,roundtrip}: utilize zenoh-plugin-dds to connect a CycloneDDS node and a Zenoh node, enabling either node to publish, or subscribe to, a given resource/topic. Data is exchanged using the CDR representation, as implemented in CycloneDDS. The helloworld demo consists of one publisher and one subscriber, while the rountrip demo implements a simple ping-pong scheme.

turtlebot/zturtle-{python,rust}: a TurtleBot 3 teleoperation application leveraging Zenoh. It subscribes to Twist messages to control the velocity of the TurtleBot's wheels, publishes a camera feed, and whenever its Wi-Fi network changes, it connects to a new peer/router (e.g. to maintain geo-proximity). The Rust and Python implementations are largely equivalent.

turtlebot/zdrive-python: a stripped down version of turtlebot/zturtle-python providing only teleoperation (i.e. no camera feed and no dynamic peer/router re-connections). This demo can be less demanding on low-bandwidth networks.

plotting: illustrates how Zenoh can be used to publish metrics to a dashboard. Three subscriber frontends are provided: a Python script using Matplotlib, a browser client and a Freeboard configuation.

computer-vision/zcam/zcam-{python,rust,rest}: consists of two Zenoh nodes: a publisher capturing a camera video stream and a subscriber displaying said video stream. Both of the Python and Rust implementations use OpenCV to encode and decode data.

computer-vision/face-recog: a system of four Zenoh nodes communicating with each other to (1) capture a camera video stream, detect (2) then recoginize (3) faces within it and finally display (4) the results. The purpose being identifying faces based given a database of pictures.

distributed-web : illustrates how Zenoh can be used to host a geo-distributed web page by splitting page content across multiple routers each running separate storage backends. This demo also demonstrates the use of dynamic router configuration through Zenoh's REST API.

ROS2/zenoh-pico-teleop-gyro: utilizes an ESP32 board and a gyroscope sensor to publish Twist teleoperation messages over Zenoh Pico. This is done by mapping 3D rotations to velocity vectors and can for example be used to operate a TurtleBot 3 using hand gestures.

ROS2/zenoh-python-lidar-plot: a Zenoh that subscribes to LaserScan messages published by a robot equiped with a Lidar sensor. Then, using Matplotlib, it constructs a 2D map of nearby obstacles and environment boundaries (e.g. walls of a room).

ROS2/zenoh-{python,rust}-teleop: Zenoh nodes that publish Twist teleoperation messages by reading keyboard input (i.e. arrow keys). Both of the Rust and Python implementations are terminal applications.

zenoh-home/{light,soil,temp-humi}-sensor: Zenoh nodes running Zenoh Pico on an ESP32 board which publish sensor data either from an ambient light sensor, a soil moisture sensor or a temporature & humidity sensor.

zenoh-android/ZenohApp: an Android application written using Zenoh's Kotlin bindings. It can declare a subscriber, a publisher or a queryable, as well as perform a PUT, GET or DELETE operation.

zenoh-dds-interop/shapes_demo: A program to test the interoperability of zenoh-plugin-dds against various DDS implementations.

⚠️ The following demos are currently untested

zenoh-fence: a system of four Zenoh nodes made up of (1) a robot subscribing to Twist teleoperation messages, (2) an Ultrasonic sensor (representing a 'fence') that publishes the distance between itself and the robot, (3) an ESP32 board (representing a 'stoplight') which subscribes to the distance between the fence and the robot, and publishes on a 'red light' key a boolean value signaling whether the robot is too close to the fence (likewise, a 'green light' key indicates if the robot isn't too close to the fence), and (4) a modified version of ROS2/zenoh-pico-teleop-gyro which stops the robot if the 'red light' signals that the robot is too close to the fence, thus allowing 'safe' teleoperation of the robot (i.e. the operator is protected from driving the robot into dangerous areas).

gamepad-dragonbot: illustrates Zenoh Flow through the teleoperation of a robot with Twist through a gamepad. Three Zenoh Flow nodes are at play here: (1) a source node reads input raw data from a gamepad which is sent to (2) an operator node that transforms the raw data into its linear & angular velocity components which are finally sent to (3) a sink node that serializes the velocities into a Twist message and puts it on the Zenoh key that the robot subscribes to.

ROS2/zenoh-rust-replay: starts with two ROS2 TurtleBots only one of which, say robot (1), receives teleoperation messages over DDS. In order to 'replay' the teleoperation commands of the robot (1) to robot (2), a Zenoh-DDS bridge is deployed on the same network as the DDS domain the robots, then a Zenoh node connected to the bridge (either directly or through a number of hops) will get the teleoperation commands sent to robot (1) and re-publish them; the bridge will thus forward them to robot (2).

ROS2/zenoh-pico-cyclonedds-cdr-message-log: illustrates how Zenoh Pico can be used to publish messages to a DDS domain (as well as subscribe to messages sent in a DDS domain) using the Zenoh-DDS bridge. On the Zenoh Pico node, serialization & deserialization of CDR messages is perfomed with the CycloneDDS CDR library.

ROS2/zenoh-rest-teleop: Browser version of ROS2/zenoh-{python,rust}-teleop which utilizes Zenoh's REST API.