- Clone repository
git clone https://github.com/e-worker/EworkerDjango.git
- Install anaconda for python 3.7 (or another tool that will allow you to create virtualenv, such as pipenv or virtualenv) Anaconda download link (choose right OS!)
- After installing anaconda:
- open Anaconda Prompt and navigate to project directory using cd, then type: conda create --name Ework
this will create virtual environment for our django application
after succesfull environment creation type conda activate Ework, and run:
pip install -r requirements.txt (make sure you are in correct directory, where requirements.txt file is located)
- open bash console and navigate to project directory, then type conda create --name Ework
this will create virtual environment for our django application
after succesfull environment creation type source activate Ework, and run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
when you are working with Django, always work with your environment activated (conda activate Ework) otherwise your project won't run
- with active Ework environment you can use django's commands in terminal, such as:
python manage.py runserver # runs server on localhost:8000
python manage.py makemigrations # creates migration files (use after creating new models in models.py)
python manage.py migrate # migrate database (based on migration files)
python manage.py createsuperuser # creates admin account so you can access /admin page
Eworker Django
|- Ework -> contains settings.py, urls.py and __init__.py, wsgi.py files (only urls and settings intrests us)
|- employer - app that will cover logic for company/employer (create read update)
|- job_offers - app that will cover logic for job offers (create read delete)
|- student - app that will cover logic for student's account (create read update)
|- templates - folder that contains html files which are treated as a templates, we will fill them using content from db
|- users - app that will cover generic logic for account (register login)
|- manage.py - Django's command-line utility for administrative tasks
(let's assume that multiple means >= 1)
Student (and that model is foreign key in models below)
Student Info (multiple) -> student skill -> skill
Student degree course (multiple) -> degree course -> department
Student language (multiple) -> language -> language_lvl
(again we are assuming that multiple means >=1)
Company (and that model is foreign key in Job Offer)
Job offer (and that model is foreign key in models below)
Job info (multiple) -> student skill -> skill
Offer degree course (multiple) -> degree course -> department
Job offer language (multiple) -> language -> language_lvl