Python TCSPC (Time Correlated Single Photon Counting) FCS (Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy) data visualiser.
This is source code repository for FoCuS-point software. For full details please refer to the project website: FoCuS-point project page.
The latest and historical releases of the software and manual for Windows, Linux and OSX are available through the following link and allows immediate access to FoCuS-point technique: Click for Releases
Futhermore, the software can be directly installed using pip. Using naive Ubuntu 14.04:
- sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-dev build-essential git-all (to install pip, might not need).
- sudo easy_install pip (to install pip, might not need).
- sudo pip install —upgrade virtualenv numpy
- sudo apt-get install libpng-dev libfreetype6-dev (Matplotlib dependencies)
- sudo -H pip install git+ —upgrade (should work for all OS as long as the dependencies are met).
- To run: python -m focuspoint.FCS_point_correlator
Q: What datafiles does FoCuS-point support? A: Presently FoCuS-point supports '.pt3' and '.ptu' uncorrelated files and under the fitting tab the FoCuS-point software supports '.SIN' and '.fcs' correlated files and '.csv' files correlated in FoCuS-point's own format.
Q: I have data files which are not '.pt3' or any of the current formats, what can I do? A: You can create an issue using github and I will make the software support your file format if possible. Issues