Docker glpi image for production environment
docker build -t glpi:9.4.2 .
In docker-compose.yml.
Adapt passwords for vars :
If you want to store mysql data to local drive uncomment lines below database: in docker-compose.yml
Run stack with docker-compose up -d
Now go to and follow instructions from web ui.
Next, copy config_db.php content to your local file.
docker exec -it <yourglpicontainer> cat /var/www/html/config/config_db.php
You should have something like this :
class DB extends DBmysql {
public $dbhost = 'mysql';
public $dbuser = 'glpi';
public $dbpassword = 'mysecretglpipassword';
public $dbdefault = 'glpi';
Copy content to your local empty config_db.php file.
Uncomment volumes lines twice (for both glpi and glpi_cron services) in docker-compose.yml :
image: glpi:9.4.2
- ./config_db.php:/var/www/html/config/config_db.php
docker-compose up -d