<img src=“https://api.travis-ci.org/duritong/ruby-cobbler.png” />
Ruby bindings for interacting with Cobbler.
These bindings were once part of the official cobbler repository. They were written by Darryl L. Pierce <[email protected]>. However, they got stalled to work for cobbler 1.x and no further development was done. Also this version was missing a lot of features, like creating various objects etc.
So I took over the development and while the work was done to get it working with a more recent cobbler version, but also to add the various missing features, the development of cobbler by RedHat stopped and the people continuing the work on cobbler decided to drop the ruby gem. So I decided to publish that gem on its own, but still keep it under the same License as Darryl L. Pierce <[email protected]> published it originally.
It is used to talk to a cobbler installation that ships with the latest RedHat Satellite and have tested with that. It is still a work in progress, but it is used, to create systems, delete systems, create and/or import repositories, sync repositories, work with the task engine, and so on.
WARNING: It is possible that it does not work with a current cobbler version as the author does currently not have access to such an installation nor is any work planned to do so. Just give it a shot with a newer cobbler and if things don’t work: pull requests are welcomed! See below.
To use the code, you must install the ruby gem named “cobbler” and then require ‘cobbler’ in your application.
Minimally you need to provide a server name for your Cobbler machine using:
Cobbler::Base.hostname = my.cobbler.server
If you intend to modify data on the Cobbler server, you’ll need to also provide a username and password that has authorization:
Cobbler::Base.username = username Cobbler::Base.password = password
You’ll find a few working examples in ‘examples/`
An example on how to import a distribution is:
Cobbler::Base.hostname = localhost Cobbler::Base.username = cobbler Cobbler::Base.password = cobbler log_id = Cobbler::Base.import("/mnt/centos6.iso",'centos6','x86_64', 'breed' => 'redhat') while (event = Cobbler::Base.events[log_id])[2] == 'running' do puts "Current state is: #{event[2]} - #{event.inspect}" sleep 60 end puts "Import event: #{event.inspect}" puts "All distros:" Cobbler::Distro.find { |distro| puts "\"#{distro.name}\" is a breed of \"#{distro.breed}\"."}
By default, Cobbler::Base will load the file $SEARCHPATH/config/cobbler.yml, if it exists, and use that information for talking to Cobbler. To override where this file lives, set the COBBLER_ENV environment variable before requiring the ‘cobbler’ file.
However, these values can be overridden afterward by changing the fields in Cobbler::Base directly.
Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn’t been implemented or the bug hasn’t been fixed yet
Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn’t requested it and/or contributed it
Fork the project
Start a feature/bugfix branch
Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.
Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.
Copyright © 2012 duritong. See COPYING for further details.