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Update 公用函数.py #291

Update 公用函数.py

Update 公用函数.py #291

Workflow file for this run

# This workflow will install Python dependencies, run tests and lint with a single version of Python
# For more information see:
name: 检查测试用例
branches: [ master ]
branches: [ master ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Set up Python 3.9
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: 3.9
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install flake8 pytest
if [ -f requirements.txt ]; then pip install -r requirements.txt; fi
python -m pip install pypinyin
python -m pip install Pillow
python -m pip install ubelt
python -m pip install chardet
python -m pip install python-dotenv
python -m pip install ujson
- name: Test with pytest
run: |
python -m unittest pyefun.核心支持库.算数运算_test
python -m unittest pyefun.核心支持库.数组操作_test
python -m unittest pyefun.核心支持库.编码转换_test
# python -m unittest pyefun.核心支持库.磁盘操作_test 修改后依然无法在linux下测试
# python -m unittest pyefun.核心支持库.公用函数_test
python -m unittest pyefun.核心支持库.文本操作_test
python -m unittest pyefun.核心支持库.日期时间操作_test
python -m unittest pyefun.核心支持库.系统处理_test
python -m unittest pyefun.核心支持库.类型转换_test
python -m unittest pyefun.核心支持库.时钟_test
# python -m unittest pyefun.核心易函数支持库.实用函数_test
python -m unittest pyefun.核心易函数支持库.文本操作实用函数_test
python -m unittest pyefun.核心易函数支持库.正则表达式_test
python -m unittest pyefun.核心易函数支持库.正则表达式实用函数_test
python -m unittest pyefun.核心易函数支持库.网络请求_test
python -m unittest pyefun.核心易函数支持库.时间统计_test
#python -m unittest pyefun.核心易函数支持库.线程操作_test
#python -m unittest pyefun.核心易函数支持库.进程池_test
python -m unittest pyefun.核心易函数支持库.json函数_test
python -m unittest pyefun.核心易函数支持库.环境变量_test
python -m unittest pyefun.核心易函数支持库.配置项_test
python -m unittest pyefun.核心易函数支持库.配置项_test
python -m unittest pyefun.核心易函数支持库.网络实用函数_test