This is simply a wrapper around the YUI 3 Test framework. It does what I think the removed Y.Test.Manager does, letting you test multiple pages at once. Setup is relatively simple and should probably not be too different than a normal test you would write. This also only uses YUI and core JavaScript code so you can use it with any framework.
Many of the setup configurations is fairly simply and you can always look at the example files for what they generally look like. But basically, there are two main things you need to do: 1) Add a tester page that will actually do the testing. 2) Add in some extra markup to the page that is being tested so the tester knows what to test.
You can take a look at the tester.php file in the examples folder for more information. In most cases, you won't need to change much anything for the tester page. Take a look at the testee.php file for what needs to be added to the page you want to test. Basically, you'll need to add the necessary JS code as well as initialize the testing.
Optionally, you can include a third page which is the test suite. The test suite allows you to run multiple test pages one after another. Take a look at the test_suite.php file for an example.
Notice on the tester page, you should be including all the possible test cases so the script can run them. Creating a test case is as simple or as complex as it would be if you had created one before with YUI 3. In YUI 3, when you create a test case, you generally do something along the lines: var TestCase = Y.Test.Case({ name: 'Name of Test Case', testMethod: function() { ... }, ... });
To add a test case here, you would just do the following: YUITest.TestCases.TestCase = { name: 'Name of Test Case', testMethod: function() { ... }, ... };
Notice that the body is exactly the same since that will just be passed to the Y.Test.Case constructor. However, since you'll need to declare the test cases before you have an instance of YUI, this allows you to pre-declare them.
Note, if you want to access the actual page that is being tested, access it with the global variable $C from your test case. It is simply a reference to the window object of the testee. More on this below.
On all of the pages (test suite, testee, and tester), once the initialize for the respective pages has been called and the test are starting, you'll have access to potentially two variables in the global scope: $Y and $C.
$Y will always be there and it is the instance of YUI (with the modules node, console, and test loaded). $C may or may not be there. On the test suite page, it should never be present since the test suite page is already the top level page of all your tests. On the testee page, if it was opened via the test suite page, then it will exists but if it was access directly, then it won't. On the tester page, it will always be there. What it is, is simply a reference to the window object of its container. So for the testee page, it is the test suite page. For the tester page, it is the testee page.
You'll notice that there is a source and build folder. The source folder contains basically that, the source. It is split up into multiple files for better organization. The build folder should contain two files, yuitest.js and yuitest.min.js. The former is simply the compliation of all the source files in the correct order via the help of the packager script (it is a submodule of this package and is pretty cool so check it out). The later is simply a compressed version of the former using the Google Closure Compiler.
Feel free to contact me with questions or comments. If you found a bug or would like to request a feature, make the request via GitHub. Also, if you like to help, create a fork of the project and hack away.