Xamling's MVVM Library
Work in progress
At Xamling we build a great many apps for lots of different clients across a range of platforms including Xbox 360, Xbox One, Windows Phone, Windows 8, Web (JS) and now Xamarin.
This library is the result of our last few years work. It's had a few variations over the years - Silverlight (https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/TechEd/NewZealand/2010/WEB306), JavaScript (https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/TechEd/Australia/Tech-Ed-Australia-2011/WEB305)and Windows 8 (https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/TechEd/Australia/2012/DEV324).
At the moment it's specialising in Xamarin iOS as we work on the new version, but soon enough it will include everyting.
We've concentrated on making it awesome for Xamarin Form as well - with some of the other more native bits and view types coming soon.
The core idea for the library is to make it as element and simple as possible for developers to do their daily work.
The system is centered on the Autofac container and has a strong conventions.
It's a view model first navigation system - meaning you navigate around the system by creating and navigating to View models as opposed to links, or views. There is a video here demonstrating this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhlD7Kq_xEc
As well as navigation, the library includes most functionas and patterns that you might need during application development.
More doco and more code to come :)
Jordan. @jakkaj