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v0.5.0 (Feb 19th, 2022)

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@catcherwong catcherwong released this 19 Feb 07:22
· 27 commits to main since this release
  1. Support using gRPC to communicate with DTM server
  2. Support TCC, SAGA, MSG
  3. Support Barrier
  4. Support timeout configuration for sending request DTM server and trans branch
  5. Add DTM common package for both Dtmcli and Dtmgrpc

  1. 支持使用 gRPC 和 DTM 服务端交互
  2. 支持 TCC, SAGA, MSG 事务模型
  3. 支持子事务屏障
  4. 支持请求超时配置( 向 DTM 和 分支事务 请求 )
  5. 抽离 DtmCommon 包,服务于 Dtmcli and Dtmgrpc