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AI Research Program

AI Research Program

An independent AI research program created by Harshit.

I am an educator at ♥️ and I love to deconstruct topics to better understand and teach them. I am now embarking on a journey to re-learn the concepts of AI via this AI Research Program.

I have designed this program to be thorough, exciting, gamified and hands-on. The program also draws inspiration from various Research Engineer roles at companies like OpenAI, Anthropic, Meta, and the likes.

The following curriculum is designed to help me get a deeper and thorough understanding of all important concepts in AI.

Table of contents

My learning approach

I have a background in Data Science and ML and I've decided to take a recursive approach(going deeper as needed) based on my level of understanding.

My primary purpose of starting this program is to dig deeper into LLM research and engineering problems.

So, I'll start from Pillar 5, NLP/LLM research, how LLMs work, how they are pre-trained and how to finetune them. In the process, I will hop onto other Pillars to learn and re-learn a other fundamental concepts.

Keep an eye on weekly-notes for my learnings and thoughts.

I'll dedicate at least 1 hours daily to my learning.

⚠️ This program is still under development and will be updated as I progress in my journey. Feel free to contribute to it by opening issues or suggesting improvements.

How to consume this?

  • Beginners should start with the Foundational Knowledge section.
  • For all others who have some exposure to ML/DL, tweak the curriculum as per your level of understanding.
  • This curriculum is not supposed to be consumed in a linear fashion. Treat it more like a checklist.
  • You should start with the basics and gradually move towards more complex topics as per your goals and interests.

To follow me in this journey, consider subscribing to my:

Pillar 1: Foundational Knowledge

Topic Subtopics Learning Resources Projects/Assignments Evaluation Criteria
Linear Algebra Vectors, matrices, eigenvalues MIT OpenCourseWare, 3Blue1Brown videos Implement basic operations, solve systems of equations Quiz, problem set, subjective evaluation
Calculus Derivatives, integrals, gradients Khan Academy, Coursera Optimization problems, gradient descent implementation Quiz, problem set, subjective evaluation
Probability Distributions, Bayes theorem Stanford CS109 Probabilistic modeling project Quiz, project review, subjective evaluation
Statistics Hypothesis testing, regression StatQuest videos, EdX courses Data analysis project Project review, subjective evaluation
Information Theory Entropy, mutual information Elements of Information Theory (book) Implement compression algorithm Project review, subjective evaluation

Pillar 2: Programming and Tools

Skill Subtopics Learning Resources Projects/Assignments Evaluation Criteria
Python Data structures, OOP, functional programming tutorials, Real Python Build a data processing pipeline Code review, subjective evaluation
PyTorch Tensors, autograd, distributed training PyTorch documentation, course Implement and distribute a neural network Project review, subjective evaluation
Git Version control, branching, merging Git documentation, GitHub Learning Lab Contribute to an open-source project Contribution review, subjective evaluation
Linux Command line, shell scripting, OS internals Linux Journey, "Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces" book Implement a simple process scheduler Practical test, code review, subjective evaluation
Cloud Platforms AWS, GCP, or Azure basics Cloud provider documentation Deploy a scalable web application Project review, subjective evaluation
High Performance Computing GPU programming, CUDA NVIDIA CUDA tutorials Optimize a neural network for GPU computation Performance benchmarks, subjective evaluation
Kubernetes Container orchestration, scaling Kubernetes documentation, KodeKloud courses Deploy and scale an ML model using Kubernetes Project review, subjective evaluation

Pillar 3: Deep Learning Fundamentals

Topic Subtopics Learning Resources Projects/Assignments Evaluation Criteria
Neural Networks Perceptrons, activation functions, backpropagation Deep Learning book by Goodfellow et al. Implement a multi-layer perceptron Code review, subjective evaluation
CNNs Convolution, pooling, modern architectures CS231n course materials Build an image classification model Project review, subjective evaluation
RNNs LSTM, GRU, sequence modeling tutorials Implement a language model Code review, subjective evaluation
Attention Mechanisms Self-attention, multi-head attention "Attention Is All You Need" paper Implement and optimize a new attention mechanism Performance analysis, subjective evaluation
Transformer Variants Transformer-XL, Reformer, Performer Recent papers on arXiv Compare compute efficiency of two Transformer variants Comparative analysis, subjective evaluation
Optimization Techniques SGD, Adam, learning rate schedules Sebastian Ruder's blog Compare optimizers on a benchmark task Report review, subjective evaluation
Regularization Dropout, batch normalization, data augmentation Papers with Code Implement and compare regularization techniques Project review, subjective evaluation

Pillar 4: Reinforcement Learning

Topic Subtopics Learning Resources Projects/Assignments Evaluation Criteria
RL Fundamentals MDP, value functions, policy gradients Sutton & Barto book, David Silver's course Implement and solve classic RL problems (e.g., CartPole, Mountain Car) Algorithm performance, subjective evaluation
Deep RL DQN, A3C, PPO OpenAI Spinning Up Implement a deep RL algorithm for a complex environment (e.g., Atari games) Agent performance, subjective evaluation
RL for NLP RLHF, sequence generation Recent papers (e.g., InstructGPT) Fine-tune a language model using RL Model improvement, subjective evaluation

Pillar 5: NLP / LLM Research

Topic Subtopics Learning Resources Projects / Assignments Evaluation Criteria
1. Foundations - Word Vectors/Embeddings
- Tokenization
- Preprocessing
- Data Sampling
- Book: "Speech and Language Processing" by Jurafsky & Martin
- Course: Stanford CS224N: NLP with Deep Learning
- Paper: "Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space" by Mikolov et al.
- Implement word2vec from scratch
- Build a custom tokenizer for a specific language or domain
- Create a data preprocessing pipeline for a large text corpus
- Accuracy of word embeddings on analogy tasks
- Efficiency and coverage of tokenization
- Quality and cleanliness of preprocessed data
2. Classical NLP Techniques - Hidden Markov Models
- Naive Bayes
- Maximum Entropy Markov Models
- Conditional Random Fields
- Book: "Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing" by Manning & Schütze
- Tutorial: "A Tutorial on Hidden Markov Models and Selected Applications in Speech Recognition" by Rabiner
- Implement a part-of-speech tagger using HMMs
- Build a spam classifier using Naive Bayes
- Develop a named entity recognition system using CRFs
- Accuracy on standard POS tagging datasets
- Precision, recall, and F1 score for spam classification
- F1 score on CoNLL 2003 NER dataset
3. Neural Architectures - Feed-forward Neural Networks
- Recurrent Neural Networks
- Convolutional Neural Networks
- Attention Mechanisms
- Transformers
- Book: "Deep Learning" by Goodfellow, Bengio, & Courville
- Paper: "Attention Is All You Need" by Vaswani et al.
- Course: Practical Deep Learning for Coders
- Implement a sentiment analysis model using CNNs
- Build a language model using LSTMs
- Create a machine translation system using Transformers
- Accuracy on sentiment analysis benchmarks (e.g., IMDb)
- Perplexity of language model on test set
- BLEU score for machine translation
4. Language Models - N-gram Models
- Neural Language Models
- Autoregressive vs. Autoencoder Models
- Large Language Models (LLMs)
- Vision-Language Models (VLMs)
- Paper: "Language Models are Few-Shot Learners" (GPT-3)
- Blog: "The Illustrated Transformer" by Jay Alammar
- Course: Hugging Face NLP Course
- Fine-tune GPT-2 for text generation
- Implement a BERT-based question answering system
- Create a multimodal model for image captioning
- Perplexity and cross-entropy loss
- F1 and Exact Match scores for QA
- BLEU, METEOR, and CIDEr scores for image captioning
5. Advanced LLM Concepts - LLM Alignment
- Token Sampling Methods
- Context Length Extension
- Personalization
- Paper: "Constitutional AI: Harmlessness from AI Feedback" by Anthropic
- Blog: "How to sample from language models" by Hugging Face
- Paper: "LoRA: Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Language Models"
- Implement different decoding strategies (greedy, beam search, top-k, top-p)
- Develop a method to extend context length of a pre-trained LLM
- Create a personalized language model using adapters
- Human evaluation of model alignment
- Quality and diversity of generated text
- Perplexity on long-context tasks
- Personalization accuracy on user-specific tasks
6. NLP Applications - Machine Translation
- Named Entity Recognition
- Textual Entailment
- Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)
- Document Intelligence
- Paper: "Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate"
- Tutorial: spaCy's Named Entity Recognition
- Paper: "Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Knowledge-Intensive NLP Tasks"
- Build an end-to-end neural machine translation system
- Develop a RAG system for question answering
- Create a document understanding system for invoice processing
- BLEU, METEOR scores for MT
- F1 score for NER
- Accuracy on textual entailment datasets (e.g., SNLI)
- Relevance and accuracy of RAG responses
7. Knowledge Representation - Knowledge Graphs
- Semantic Networks
- Book: "Knowledge Representation and Reasoning" by Brachman & Levesque
- Tutorial: Neo4j Graph Database
- Construct a knowledge graph from a text corpus
- Develop a question answering system using a knowledge graph
- Coverage and accuracy of extracted knowledge
- Precision and recall of graph-based QA system
8. Challenges and Mitigation - Hallucination Mitigation
- AI Text Detection
- Bias Detection and Mitigation
- Paper: "TruthfulQA: Measuring How Models Mimic Human Falsehoods"
- Blog: "Detecting Machine-Generated Text" by OpenAI
- Paper: "Man is to Computer Programmer as Woman is to Homemaker? Debiasing Word Embeddings"
- Develop a fact-checking system for LLM outputs
- Create an AI text detector
- Implement bias mitigation techniques in word embeddings
- Reduction in hallucination rate
- Accuracy of AI text detection
- Reduction in bias measures (e.g., WEAT score)
9. Evaluation and Benchmarking - LLM/VLM Benchmarks
- Task-specific Metrics
- Paper: "GLUE: A Multi-Task Benchmark and Analysis Platform for Natural Language Understanding"
- Tutorial: Hugging Face's Evaluate library
- Evaluate an LLM on multiple NLP tasks using GLUE benchmark
- Implement and compare different evaluation metrics for a specific NLP task
- Performance across multiple benchmarks
- Inter-annotator agreement for human evaluation
10. Practical Aspects - Large Language Model Ops (LLMOps)
- Ethical Considerations
- Book: "Building Machine Learning Pipelines" by Hapke & Nelson
- Paper: "On the Dangers of Stochastic Parrots: Can Language Models Be Too Big?"
- Design and implement an LLMOps pipeline
- Conduct an ethical audit of an NLP system
- Efficiency and reliability of deployment pipeline
- Compliance with ethical AI principles

Pillar 6: Research Paper Analysis and Replication

Activity Approach Resources Deliverables Evaluation Criteria
Paper Reading Weekly reading of latest papers arXiv, Papers With Code Paper summaries, critiques Quality of analysis, subjective evaluation
Research Replication Reproduce results of significant papers Original papers, open-source implementations Replicated experiments, results comparison Accuracy of replication, subjective evaluation
Trend Analysis Identify and analyze research trends NeurIPS, ICML, ACL proceedings Trend reports, blog posts Insight quality, subjective evaluation
Paper Presentation Present papers to peers or online Conference recordings Video explanations, slide decks Presentation quality, subjective evaluation
Extension Projects Extend or combine ideas from papers Related work sections of papers Novel experiments, blog posts Originality, subjective evaluation
Visualization Projects Develop interactive visualizations for ML concepts D3.js, Plotly Create an interactive visualization of attention between tokens in a language model Visualization quality, insight provided, subjective evaluation

Pillar 7: High-Performance AI Systems and Applications

Topic Subtopics Learning Resources Projects/Assignments Evaluation Criteria
Model Optimization Quantization, pruning, distillation TensorFlow Model Optimization Toolkit Optimize a large model for edge devices Performance benchmarks, subjective evaluation
Efficient Architectures MobileNet, EfficientNet, BERT-tiny Papers, GitHub implementations Implement and benchmark efficient models Comparative analysis, subjective evaluation
Hardware Acceleration GPU programming, TPU utilization NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute Optimize a model for specific hardware Performance improvement, subjective evaluation
Scalable AI Systems Microservices, containerization, orchestration Kubernetes documentation, Docker tutorials Design a scalable AI service architecture Architecture review, subjective evaluation
ML Ops CI/CD for ML, model monitoring Google MLOps guides Set up an MLOps pipeline Pipeline effectiveness, subjective evaluation

Pillar 8: Large-scale ETL and Data Engineering

Topic Subtopics Learning Resources Projects/Assignments Evaluation Criteria
ETL Fundamentals Data extraction, transformation, loading Udacity Data Engineering course Design and implement an ETL pipeline Pipeline efficiency, subjective evaluation
Distributed Data Processing Apache Spark, Hadoop Spark documentation, Coursera courses Process and analyze a large dataset using Spark Processing speed, scalability, subjective evaluation
Data Warehousing Star schema, OLAP Kimball Group resources Design a data warehouse for ML experiments Design review, subjective evaluation
Streaming Data Kafka, Flink Confluent Kafka tutorials Implement a real-time data processing pipeline System performance, subjective evaluation

Pillar 9: Ethical AI and Responsible Development

Topic Subtopics Learning Resources Projects/Assignments Evaluation Criteria
AI Ethics Fairness, accountability, transparency MIT Moral Machine, Develop an AI ethics framework Framework review, subjective evaluation
Bias in AI Dataset bias, algorithmic bias "Gender Shades" paper, AI Fairness 360 Audit a model for bias Report review, subjective evaluation
Privacy in ML Differential privacy, federated learning OpenMined tutorials Implement privacy-preserving ML Project review, subjective evaluation
Explainable AI LIME, SHAP, counterfactual explanations Interpretable Machine Learning book Develop model explanations Project review, subjective evaluation
AI Governance Regulations, guidelines, best practices EU AI Act, IEEE Ethically Aligned Design Propose AI governance structure Proposal review, subjective evaluation

Pillar 10: Community Engagement and Networking

Activity Approach Resources Deliverables Evaluation Criteria
Conference Participation Attend or present at AI conferences Conference websites, Call for Papers Presentation slides, trip reports Engagement quality, subjective evaluation
Open Source Contribution Contribute to AI/ML open source projects GitHub, PyPi Code contributions, pull requests Contribution impact, subjective evaluation
AI Community Building Organize meetups, study groups, local tech communities Event reports, community growth metrics Community impact, subjective evaluation
Online Presence Blog writing, social media engagement Medium, Twitter, LinkedIn Blog posts, thread discussions Reach and engagement, subjective evaluation
Collaborative Projects Partner with other researchers/engineers Academic collaborations, hackathons Joint projects, co-authored papers Collaboration quality, subjective evaluation

Pillar 11: Research and Publication

Activity Approach Resources Deliverables Evaluation Criteria
Research Ideation Brainstorming, literature review arXiv, Google Scholar Research proposals Originality, feasibility, subjective evaluation
Experiment Design Hypothesis formulation, methodology planning Research design books, mentorship Experimental protocols Rigor, subjective evaluation
Data Collection and Analysis Data gathering, statistical analysis Kaggle datasets, statistical tools Datasets, analysis reports Data quality, analysis depth, subjective evaluation
Paper Writing Scientific writing, LaTeX Overleaf, writing workshops Draft papers Writing quality, subjective evaluation
Peer Review Understand and participate in peer review process PubliONS, Elsevier Researcher Academy Review reports Review quality, subjective evaluation
Publication and Presentation Submit to journals/conferences, create posters Journal guidelines, conference deadlines Published papers, conference posters Impact factor, presentation quality, subjective evaluation



An independent AI research program created by Harshit.








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