Integration of RoadRunner into Nette Framework
The best way to install Mallgroup/Roadrunner is using Composer:
$ composer require mallgroup/roadrunner
Then you need to create small update to your app.
Create new RR config, in our case it is roadrunner.neon
roadrunner: Mallgroup\RoadRunner\DI\Extension
showExceptions: %debugMode%
Then we need to update our bootstrap, as RR extension is still big WIP, it is recomended not to enable debug mode. So in current Bootstrap we create new static method for booting into RR plugin
public static function bootRR(string $appDir): Configurator
$configurator = new Configurator;
$configurator->setTempDirectory($appDir . '/temp');
$configurator->addConfig($appDir . '/config/common.neon');
$configurator->addConfig($appDir . '/config/services.neon');
$configurator->addConfig($appDir . '/config/local.neon');
$configurator->addConfig($appDir . '/config/roadrunner.neon');
return $configurator;
And finally, we need our entrypoint that will be runned by RoadRunner, we call this script a roadrunner.php
use Mallgroup\RoadRunner\RoadRunner;
use App\Bootstrap;
define('ROOT_DIR', dirname(__DIR__));
require ROOT_DIR . '/vendor/autoload.php';
/** @psalm-suppress PossiblyNullReference */
and shell counterpart (we use it for redirect of err messages)
#!/usr/bin/env sh
exec php /app-path/app/roadrunner.php 2>&3
Now we can run RoadRunner with our app, simply run it
command: "sh /app-path/app/ -d opcache.enable_cli=1"
relay: "pipes"