Conference One is an one page, Bootstrap 4 template, suitable for academic conferences and events. It can also be used in technology conferences and exhibitions, product release events, business conferences etc.
- Focused on simplicity and user experience
- Full responsive, functionallity supported on mobile devices
- Detailed multi-day schedule/program block view, with support for parallel sessions
- Unlimited themes. Comes out of the box with full support for Bootswatch themes (more than 20 Light and Dark themes available)
- Font awesome support (and any font icon via Bower)
- Working registration and subscription forms 1
- Price table for different registration types2
- Detailed Google map and Venue information
- Blocks for sponsors, keynote speakers, hotels, media content
- Many little details that we encourage to discover your self
1 PHP required. For the mail functions to be available, PHP requires an installed and working email system. Usually this is available in most hosting providers
2 Online payment for registration is not supported
(Please see our gulpfile for up to date information on what we support)
- Bootstrap 4
- ES2015 features using Babel
- CSS Autoprefixing
- Built-in preview server with BrowserSync
- Automagically compile Sass with libsass
- Automagically lint your scripts
- Map compiled CSS to source stylesheets with source maps
- Image optimization
- Automagically wire-up dependencies installed with Bower
Licence: MIT