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GitHub Actions CLI

The purpose of this tool is to work with your GitHub Actions workflows in your repositories. It is complementary to the GitHub CLI.

Basic usage

Run github-actions-cli within a directory which has a clone of a GitHub repository. The tool will list the GitHub actions workflows, the actions they use, the current versions they use, and the latest versions of the actions.

	actions/checkout                  v2 ==> v3
	release-drafter/release-drafter    v5
	actions/setup-python              v4
	pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish       v1
	actions/checkout                  v2 ==> v3
	actions/setup-python              v3 ==> v4

Supported use cases

Usage: github-actions-cli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --repo TEXT               Repository to analyze, can be a local directory or
                            a {OWNER}/{REPO} format  [default: .]
  --github-token TEXT       GitHub token to use, by default will use
                            GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable
  --compare-exact-versions  Compare versions using all semantic and not only
                            major versions, e.g., v1 will be upgraded to
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

  list-actions    List actions in a workflow
  list-workflows  List workflows in repository
  update-actions  Show actions required updates in repository workflows

update-actions List all actions that are out of date in a repository (Default)

List the latest versions of actions used in a repository workflows and potentially update the workflow files.

For example, running github-actions-cli without any parameters will look for workflows in the current directory (.), check whether there are updates required for the actions in the workflows it finds.

Another example, running on a remote repository, github-actions-cli -repo cunla/fakeredis update-actions -u, will look for the latest versions of the actions used in the repository cunla/fakeredis, and because of the -u flag, it will create a commit updating the workflows to the latest.

Note: Having GITHUB_TOKEN with permissions to make commits on the repository is required in order to write to repository.


Usage: github-actions-cli update-actions [OPTIONS]

  Show actions required updates in repository workflows

  -u, --update      Update actions in workflows (For remote repos: make
                    changes and commit, for local repos: update files)
  -commit-msg TEXT  Commit msg, only relevant when remote repo  [default:
                    chore(ci):update actions]
  --help            Show this message and exit.

If you want the check to compare exact versions and not only major versions, use the --compare-exact-versions flag.

list-workflows List all workflow paths and names in a specified repository.


github-actions-cli --repo cunla/fakeredis list-workflows

will return:


list-actions List all actions uses in a workflow

Given a repo and a workflow path, return all actions in the workflow.


github-actions-cli --repo cunla/fakeredis list-actions .github/workflows/test.yml




pip install github-actions-cli