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Smooth Support Vector Machine Toolbox


SSVM toolbox is an implementation of Smooth Support Vector Machine in Matlab. SSVM is a reformulation of conventional SVM and can be solved by a fast Newton-Armijo algorithm. Besides, choosing a good parameter setting for a better performance in a learning task is an important issue. We also provide an automatic model selection tool to help users to get a good parameter setting. SSVM toolbox now includes smooth support vector machine for classification, epsilon-insensitive smooth support vector regression and an automatic model selection tool using uniform design.

Key Features

  • Solve classification (SSVM) and regression (SSVR) problems
  • Support linear, polynomial and radial basis kernels
  • Provide an automatic model selection for SSVM and SSVR with RBF kernels
  • Can handle large scale problems by using reduced kernel (RSVM)
  • Provide cross validation evaluation
  • Provide an alternative initial point other than zero using regularized least squares

Download SSVM Toolbox

Data Format

SSVM toolbox is implemented in Matlab. Use a data format which can be loaded into Matlab. The instances are represented by a matrix (rows for instances and columns for variables) and the labels (1 or -1) or responses are represented by a column vector.

For classification

For regression

Here are some sample datasets.

Code Usage

SSVM toolbox contains three main functions: ssvm_train for SVMs training, ssvm_predict for SVMs prediction and hibiscus for automatic model selection.

Usage of ssvm_train

model = ssvm_train(label, inst, 'options')

Input of ssvm_train:

Variable Description
label training data class label or response
inst training data inputs


Variable Description
-s learning algorithm (default: 0)
-t kernel type (default: 2)
2-radial basis (Gaussian kernel)
-c the weight parameter C of SVMs (default: 100)
-e epsilon-insensitive value in epsilon-SVR (default: 0.1)
-g gamma in kernel function (default: 0.1)
-d degree of polynomial kernel function (default: 2)
-b constant term of polynomial kernel function (default: 0)
-m scalar factor of polynomial kernel function (default: 1)
-r ratio of random subset size to the full data size (default: 1)
-i alternatives initial point (default: 0)
0-using zero vector (w = 0, b = 0)
1-using an initial point obtained from regularized least squares
-v number of cross-validation folds (default: 0)

Output of ssvm_train:

Variable Description
model learning model (a structure in Matlab)
.w normal vector of separating (or response) hyperplane
.b bias term
.RS reduced set
.Err error rate (a structure in Matlab)
.Training training error
.Validation validation error
.Final final model error
in classification, it returns the error rate
in regression, it returns the relative 2-norm error and the mean absolute error
.params parameters specified by the user inputs


  • Classification using a Gaussian kernel
    model = ssvm_train(label, inst, 'options')
  • Classification using a polynomial kernel and an initial point by regularized least squares
    model_two = ssvm_train(label, inst, '-s 0 -t 1 -c 23.71 -d 2 -m 3 -b 2 -i 1')
  • SClassification using a Gaussian kernel and a 10% reduced set
    model_three = ssvm_train(label, inst, '-s 0 -t 2 -c 421 -g 0.31 -r 0.1')
  • Classification using a Gaussian kernel in a 5-fold cross validation
    model_four = ssvm_train(label, inst, '-s 0 -t 2 -c 23.71 -g 0.0625 -v 5')
  • Regression using the Gaussian kernel
    model_five = ssvm_train(label, inst, '-s 1 -t 2 -c 10000 -g 0.71')

Usage of ssvm_predict

[PredictedLabel, ErrRate ]= ssvm_predict(label, inst, model)

Input of ssvm_predict:

Variable Description
label testing data class label or response
inst testing data inputs
model model learned from ssvm_train or user-specified

Output of ssvm_predict:

Variable Description
Predicted Labelpredicted label or response
ErrRate error rate (for classification) or relative 2-norm error (for regression)


  • prediction using model_one (classification problem)
    [PredictedLabel, ErrRate]=ssvm_predict(label, inst, model_one) (Note: In this case, the error rate is meaningless.)
  • prediction using model_one without testing labels(classification problem)
    [PredictedLabel, ErrRate]=ssvm_predict(zeros(NumOfInstm,1), inst, model_one)
  • prediction using model_five (regression problem)
    [PredictedLabel, ErrRate]=ssvm_predict(label, inst, model_five)

Usage of hibiscus

Result = hibiscus(label, inst, 'method', 'type', 'command')

Note:only for Gaussian kernel

Input of hibiscus:

Variable Description
label training data class label or response
inst training data inputs
method learning algorithm (default: 'SSVM')
It must be {'SSVM', 'SSVR'} (case insensitive)
type model selection methods (default: 'UD')
It must be {'UD', 'GRID'} (case insensitive)
command (optional)
-v: number of cross-validation folds (default: 5)
-r: ratio of random subset size to full data size (default: 1)

Output of hibiscus:

Variable Description
Result Include all returned information (a structure in Matlab)
.TErr Training Error
.VErr Validation Error
.Best_C The best C in our model selection method
.Best_Gamma The best gamma in our model selection method
.Elapse CPU time in seconds
.Points Trying points
.Ratio Ratio of random subset size to full data size


  • Determine C and Gamma by a 5-fold cross-validation and the full kernel for classification
    Result = hibiscus(label, inst, 'SSVM', 'UD', '-v 5 -r 1')
  • Determine C and Gamma by a 10-fold cross-validation and a 10% reduced kernel for classification
    Result = hibiscus(label, inst, 'SSVM', 'UD', '-v 10 -r 0.1')
  • Determine C and Gamma by a 10-fold cross-validation and 10% reduced kernel for regression
    Result = hibiscus(label, inst, 'SSVR', 'UD', '-v 10 -r 0.1')

Training and Testing Procedure

Classification procedure

  1. Change your current directory to SSVMtoolbox folder
  2. Load dataset from Ionosphere_dataset.mat (can be found in SSVMtoolbox)
load Ionosphere_dataset.mat
  1. Determine good C and gamma via a 5-fold cross validation using full kernel
Result = hibiscus(label, inst, 'SSVM', 'UD', '-v 5 -r 1');
  1. Read the contents of Result (Best_C, Best_Gamma, ...etc)
  1. Training a model by using Best_C and Best_Gamma in Result
model = ssvm_train(label, inst, '-s 0 -t 2 -c 10 -g 0.0856');
  1. Read the contents of model (w, b, parameters, ...etc)
  1. Prediction using the model obtained from the training process (here, we use the training set as the testing set)
[PredictedLabel, ErrRate]=ssvm_predict(label, inst, model);

Regression procedure

  1. Change your current directory to SSVMtoolbox folder
  2. Load dataset from housing_dataset.txt (can be found in SSVMtoolbox)
load housing_dataset.txt
  1. Split the housing data into inst and label
inst = housing_dataset(:,1:13);
label = housing_dataset(:,14);
  1. Determine good C and gamma via a 5-fold cross validation and 10% reduced kernel
Result = hibiscus(label, inst, 'SSVR', 'UD', '-v 5 -r 0.1');
  1. Read the contents of Result (Best_C, Best_Gamma, ...etc)
  1. Training a model by using Best_C and Best_Gamma in Result
model=ssvm_train(label, inst, '-s 1 -c 1000000 -g 0.1794 -r 0.1');
  1. Read the contents of model (w, b, parameters, ...etc)
  1. Prediction using the model obtained from the training process (here, we use the training set as the testing set)
[PredictedLabel, ErrRate]=ssvm_predict(label, inst, model);
  1. Read the value of relative 2-norm error and mean absolute error


This software is available for non-commercial use only. The authors are not responsible for implications from the use of this software.


Smooth Support Vector Machine Toolbox






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