Unofficial Python API for Hacker News.
$ pip install HackerNews
If you love and use HackerNewsAPI, please consider donating via gittip. Any support is appreciated!
The class that parses the HN page, and builds up all Story objects
- Returns a list of Story objects from the passed page of HN. 'story_type' can be: '' = top stories (homepage), 'newest' = most recent stories, 'best' = best stories
Story class represents one single story on HN
- Print the details of a story
- rank - the rank of story on the page
- story_id - the story's id
- title - the title of the story
- is_self_post - true for self/job stories
- link - the url it points to (None for self posts)
- domain - the domain of the link (None for self posts)
- points - the points/karma on the story
- submitter - the user who submitted the story
- submitter_link - the above user profile link
- published_time - the published time ago
- num_comments - the number of comments it has
- comments_link - the link to the comments page
If you want to add any new features, or improve existing ones, feel free to send a pull request!