Reproduce the main analyses in Genetic analyses identify widespread sex-differential participation bias
/gwas_sex: GWAS of sex, sex heritability accross studies and genetic correlation between traits in 23andMe and UKBB, as described in the main text - Figure 1, 2, 4
/pleiotropy: pleiotropy analysis of the sex-associated loci, see Supplementary Notes and Supplementary Table 5
/census: differences in EA level between UKBB participants and census data - Figure 5B
/simulations: simulations to illustrate effects of sex-differential participation bias and implementation of proposed correction methods in genomicSEM - Supplementary Notes/Figures 3, 4, 6, 8
/sex_specific_MR: simulations on real UKBB data to demonstrate the potential extent of selection biased by BMI on the causal effect of BMI on T2D - Supplementary Notes/Figure 5