A Python 3 language development toolbox.
Some Drycc Workflow components use this Container image as a standard build and test environment, but it is intended to be useful to any Python developer. Please help make drycc/python-dev better by creating issues and submitting pull requests.
- codecov: uploader for codecov.io coverage reports
- coverage: measures code coverage for Python programs
- flake8: modular source code linter, including pep8, pyflakes and mccabe
- Python 3.5.2
Mount your local Python code into the container to run one of the included tools or scripts.
Here's an example of running flake8
for drycc/imagebuilder:
$ podman run --rm \
--volume `pwd`/rootfs:/workspace \
--workdir /workspace \
drycc/python-dev:latest \
flake8 --show-source --config=setup.cfg .
The latest drycc/python-dev Container image is available at:
- [Container Registry][]
podman pull registry.drycc.cc/drycc/python-dev