Markdown test page
The following table goes through the schema line-by-line and details the modifications required to create a new OVAL Test. For simplicity, the OVAL Test’s name “file” is replaced with “[*]”.
Line(s) | What changes? |
01 | The name attribute is assigned a value of “[\*]_test” in accordance with [Section 4.2.2](#4-2-2-tests). |
03 | The documentation element describes what endpoint metadata this particular OVAL Test is designed to collect and evaluate. Any necessary clarifications to the scope of this OVAL Test should be provided here. |
05-09 | The element_mapping construct explicitly correlates the associated OVAL Test, Object, State, and Item constructs and must always be present.
In most cases, the relevant OVAL Test name should be used to update the test, object, state, and item components of the element_mapping construct with [\*]_test, [\*]_object, [\*]_state, and [\*]_item. With that said, it is important to note that it is also possible to map new OVAL Tests to existing OVAL Items as exemplified with the win-def:fileeffectiverights53_test and win-sc:fileeffectiverights_item. The target_namespace attribute identifies the namespace URI of the platform-specific OVAL System Characteristics Model associated with the OVAL Test. |
23-32 | This complexType element must always be present and verbatim for every OVAL Test. Every OVAL Test extends the oval-def:TestType construct and contains one object element followed by zero or more state elements. |