Homelab based on Kubernetes
- Router: OPNsense
- Hypervisor: Proxmox
- Storage Server: Debian + Snapraid/MergerFS
- K8s Distribution: Talos
- Load Balancer: Metallb
- Ingress Controller: Traefik
- GitOps Toolkit: Flux CD
- Infra Tools: Packer, Terraform, Ansible
- Secrets Management: SOPS
Install the local tools
yay -S flux-bin sops age terraform packer talosctl crane cilium-cli hubble-bin k9s ansible
Configure git hooks git config core.hooksPath scripts/hooks
To install and configure all the required packages for the storage server, go into kirito/ansible
and run
ansible-galaxy collection install community.sops
ansible-playbook -i inventory ./install.yaml
To generate the cloud-init images for proxmox, go in asuna/packer
and run
packer init -upgrade .
packer build -var pm_password="" -force .
You can also restrict the build to a specific image (ex: -only=release.proxmox-iso.talos
to skip nvidia image build)
Make sure that you have docker and crane installed.
You may need to edit your daemon configuration to add these features:
"features": {
"containerd-snapshotter": true
"experimental": true
To generate nvidia custom disk image (used by packer), run cd asuna/talos-nvidia && ./build.sh
To create the VMs, install talos and bootstrap the cluster with flux, go in asuna/terraform
and run:
terraform init
terraform apply
You can get the kubeconfig file with terraform output -raw kubeconfig > ~/.kube/config