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Kentico MVC FullCalendar widget allows you to render various content as calendar events.


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Kentico MVC Full Calendar widget


Full calendar allows you to render various content as calendar events.


Download & Installation

  1. Download and install widget:
    • Install widget through nuget package
      • (need updated package) Download nuget package from this link
      • Setup local nugetfeed and copy nuget package EXLRT.Kentico.Mvc.Widgets.FullCalendar.2.0.0.nupkg to newly created feed.
      • Install package to your MVC solution
    • Install widget by source code
      • Clone this repostiory to your file system:
      • Reference EXLRT.Kentico.Mvc.Widgets.FullCalendar.csproj in your existing project
      • Copy following files to exact same file structure in MVC project:
        • Views\Shared\Widgets\FullCalendarWidget\_FullCalendarWidget.cshtml
        • Views\Shared\FormComponents\FullCalendarTypeSelector\_FormComponents.FullCalendarTypeSelector.cshtml
        • Content\Widgets\FullCalendar\css\fullCalendar.css
        • Content\Widgets\FullCalendar\js\fullCalendar.js
      • Build solution
  2. Configure routing for widget
  3. Register dependency injection
  4. Setup predefined calendars
    • Calendars can be configured per site, but name must be unique globally
  5. Register necessary styles and scripts for full calendar in layout

Configure routing

Method definition:

void MapFullCalendarRoutes(this RouteCollection routes, MvcRouteHandler routeHandler = null, object constraint = null, CultureInfo defaultCulture = null);

Example of configuration for DancingGoat site (RouteConfig.cs):

using EXLRT.Kentico.Mvc.Widgets.FullCalendar;
routes.MapFullCalendarRoutes(new MultiCultureMvcRouteHandler(defaultCulture), new { culture = new SiteCultureConstraint() }, defaultCulture);

Register dependency injection

Method definition:

void RegisterFullCalendarDependencies(this ContainerBuilder builder);

Example of configuration for DancingGoat site (AutoFacConfig.cs):

using EXLRT.Kentico.Mvc.Widgets.FullCalendar;
// add to end of your ConfigureDependencyResolver(ContainerBuilder builder) method

Setup predefined calendars

Method definition:

Dictionary<string, FullCalendarWidgetConfiguration> AddConfiguration(this Dictionary<string, FullCalendarWidgetConfiguration> _, string widgetType, FullCalendarConfigurationType configurationType, string classOrObjectName, string widgetTypeDisplayName, string titleColumnName, string startDateColumnName, string endDateColumnName, UrlConfiguration url = null, string descriptionColumnName = null, string allDayColumnName = null, string siteCodeName = null);

Example of configuration for DancingGoat site (ApplicationConfig.cs):

using EXLRT.Kentico.Mvc.Widgets.FullCalendar;
// If you are using content tree based routing, leave the Pattern and Columns set to NodeAliasPath as shown below, the IPageUrlRetriever will resolve the URLs based on the NodeAliasPath
                    .AddConfiguration("articlesWithRetriever", FullCalendarConfigurationType.Pages, "DancingGoatMvc.Article",
                                      "Articles (Pages - Retriever)", "DocumentName", "DocumentPublishFrom", "DocumentPublishTo", new UrlConfiguration()
                                          // can't be used in combination with 'pattern' feature
                                          UseDefaultKenticoRetriever = true
                    .AddConfiguration("articles", FullCalendarConfigurationType.Pages, "DancingGoatMvc.Article",
                                      "Articles (Pages)", "DocumentName", "DocumentPublishFrom", "DocumentPublishTo", new UrlConfiguration()
                                          Pattern = "/#DocumentCulture#/Articles/#NodeGUID#/#NodeAlias#",
                                          Columns = new string[] { "DocumentCulture", "NodeAlias", "NodeGUID" }
                    // Objects bellow does not exist in DancingGoat sample. They must be created in Kentico CMS before using
                    .AddConfiguration("events", FullCalendarConfigurationType.CustomTables, "customtable.Events",
                                      "Events (Custom Tables)", "ItemName", "StartDate", "EndDate", descriptionColumnName: "Description")
                    .AddConfiguration("classes", FullCalendarConfigurationType.Classes, "dancinggoat.Events",
                                      "Events (Module Classes)", "EventsName", "EventsStartDate", "EventsEndDate");

Register layout scripts

Example of configuration for DancingGoat site (_Layout.cshtml):

@using EXLRT.Kentico.Mvc.Widgets.FullCalendar.Extensions;

Contributions and Support

Feel free to fork and submit pull requests or report issues to contribute. Either this way or another one, we will look into them as soon as possible.


  • bkehren for forking and updating the code base to Kentico 13, .NET 4.8.


Kentico MVC FullCalendar widget allows you to render various content as calendar events.







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