Heavily influenced by Tim Branyen @tbranyen and his sample applications at boilerplat-handlebars-layoutmanager and bbb. I did update some libraries (RequireJS, Grunt-contribs) to reflect progress made by these libraries in standardizing some functionality (such as AMD Shims, Grunt plugins etc)
Provides a sample application combining:
- Twitter Bootstrap 2.0.4
- Backbone.js 0.9.2
- Backbone Layout Manager 0.5.2
- Handlebars 1.0.beta.6
- JQuery 1.7.2
- Modernizr 2.5.3
- RequireJS 2.0.4
The goal initially was to test out the various build and packaging tools for single page client-side javascript applications. Currently included:
Upcoming build and packaging tools:
- Install NodeJS 0.80 for npm
- Install grunt via 'npm install -g grunt'
- Install dependencies in the grunt folder via 'npm install'
- Run 'grunt' to compile
- Run 'grunt launch' to launch the server and watch files for recompilation
- Open your browser to http://localhost:8080