This is a C++ matrix library. It operates on two-dimensional matrices, has a lot of convenient methods for using matrices in your application
Include header my_matrix_oop.h
MyMatrix - the main class of the program
It represents mxn
matrix (m rows, n columns)
Constructor | Description | Trows |
MyMatrix() |
Default constructor. Allocates a 1x1 matrix (initial value is 0.0 ) |
std::bad_alloc on allocation error |
MyMatrix(int rows, int cols) |
Allocates a rowsxcols matrix (rows rows, cols cols) |
std::bad_alloc on allocation error; std::invalid_argument if rows or cols are less than 1 |
MyMatrix(const MyMatrix &other) |
Copy constructor. Copies contents of other matrix |
std::bad_alloc on allocation error; std::invalid_argument if other is empty |
MyMatrix(MyMatrix &&other) |
Move constructor. Moves contents of other to the new matrix. The other matrix becomes empty |
std::invalid_argument if other is empty |
Method | Description | Trows |
GetRows() -> int |
Returns current row count of the matrix | - |
GetCols() -> int |
Returns current column count of the matrix | - |
SetRows(int rows) |
Sets current row count to rows ; fills new rows with 0.0 |
std::bad_alloc on allocation error; std::invalid_argument if rows is less than 1 |
SetCols(int cols) |
Sets current column count to cols ; fills new columns with 0.0 |
std::bad_alloc on allocation error; std::invalid_argument if cols is less than 1 |
EqMatrix(const MyMatrix &other) -> bool |
Returns true if other is the same size as this matrix, if other 's elements are approximately the same as in this matrix (presicion 1e-6). Returns false otherwise |
- |
SumMatrix(const MyMatrix &other) |
Sums this matrix with other . The result is saved in this matrix |
std::invalid_argument if matrices' dimenstions differ |
SubMatrix(const MyMatrix &other) |
Subtracts other matrix from this . The result is saved in this matrix |
std::invalid_argument if matrices' dimenstions differ |
MulNumber(const double num) |
Multiplies this matrix by num . The result is saved in this matrix |
- |
MulMatrix(const MyMatrix &other) |
Multiplies this matrix by other . The result is saved in this matrix |
std::invalid_argument if this ' column count is different than other 's |
Transpose() -> MyMatrix |
Returns transposed version of this matrix |
std::bad_alloc on allocation error |
CalcComplements() -> Mymatrix |
Returns this ' algebraic complement matrix |
std::bad_alloc on allocation error |
Determinant -> double |
Returns this ' determinant |
std::logic_error if this is not a square matrix; std::bad_alloc on allocation error |
Minor(int i, int j) -> double |
Returns minor of element at position (i, j) |
std::logic_error if this is not a square matrix; std::bad_alloc on allocation error |
InverseMatrix() -> MyMatrix |
Returns inverse of this matrix |
std::logic_error if this is not a square matrix; std::logic_error if determinant of the matrix is zero; std::bad_alloc on allocation error |
All operations will be performed on MyMatrix A, B;
Usage | Description | Trows |
A(int i, int j) |
Returns element at (i, j) |
std::invalid_argument if indices are out of bounds |
A = B |
Same as MyMatrix A(B); |
A = std::move(B) |
Same as MyMatrix A(std::move(B)); |
+A |
Same as A (plus operator overload) |
-A |
Same as A.MulNumber(-1.0); |
A + B |
Analogous to SumMatrix method |
A - B |
Analogous to SubMatrix method |
A * B |
Analogous to MulMatrix method |
A * num or num * A |
Analogous to MulNumber method |
A == B |
Analogous to EqMatrix method |
A += B |
Same as A = A + B |
A -= B |
Same as A = A - B |
A *= B |
Same as A = A * B |
A *= num |
Same as A = A * num |
- gcc
- stdc++ (usually comes bundled with g++)
- Google Test (for tests)
cd src
make my_matrix_oop.a
Testing is done on Google Test testing framework. To run tests, run the following:
cd src
make test