to capture images when motion is detected
(via external motion sensor connected to a GPIO pin, or via camera,
see options of
On motion detection: captures and saves an image to the specified folder, records and saves a video (circular buffer).
The start-up script -l
provides a network stream
(mjpg-streamer) on port 8080.
- mount server and save data to server or install syncthing
A network stream can be provided with (here 1816 is the port number):
raspivid -t 0 -o - -w 800 -h 600 | cvlc -vvv stream:///dev/stdin --sout '#rtp{sdp=rtsp://:1816}' :demux=h264
With VLC player it is then accessible over a network stream with
address: rtsp://
- Do not forget to enable the camera (e.g., with sudo raspi-config).
- To disable the LED on the camera PCB when recording, turn it off by
adding following line to /boot/config.txt (will get active after
- Setup crontab for start-up script:
$ sudo crontab -e # ... @reboot /path-to-script/ -l
- Install mjpg-streamer if you want to provide a live stream.
- If you want to access the homepage or the live
stream, you will need to install