NI-Auto-Scaling-Module applies auto-scaling to SFC in the OpenStack testbed.
SFC consists of multi-tier VNF instances and this module applies auto-scaling by choosing a tier and performing an scaling action to the SFC.
(This module is private and already configured to be used to DPNM testbed)
Threshold or RL-based Auto-Scaling module
- Provide APIs to do auto-scaling by threshold or Deep Q-network (DQN)
- Provide APIs to get auto-scaling processes running in environment
- Provide API to delete an auto-scaling process running in environment
Python 3.6.5+
Please install pip3 and requirements by using the command as below.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
This module requires pytorch to run DQN. However, pytorch has various options for installation so please take a look at and install pytorch according to your environment.
This module runs as web server to handle HTTP messages required to create/get/delete an auto-scaling process. To use a web UI of this module or send HTTP messages to the module, a port number can be configured (a default port number is 8004).
# server/
def main():
app = connexion.App(__name__, specification_dir='./swagger/') = encoder.JSONEncoder
app.add_api('swagger.yaml', arguments={'title': 'NI Auto-Scaling Service'})
This module interacts with ni-mano to handle auto-scaling functions in OpenStack environment and needs configuration.
- ni_mon, ni_nfvo: This module interacts with ni-mano to handle auto-scaling functions in OpenStack environment. To communicate with ni-mano, this module should know URLs of ni-mano.
- instance: This module needs an account to access an instance created by an auto-scaling process and configuration to classify VNF instances in SFC. To this end, it uses prefix_splitter to distinguish VNF types and max_number/min_number to limit the number of instances in each tier. For example, if an instance has a name "test-firewall-1" and prefix_splitter is '-', this module extracts firewall and uses it as a VNF type.
- sla_monitoring: This module measures response time through an SFC that is handled by an auto-scaling module to trigger a scaling action or calculate rewards. To generate traffic from a source, this module can access the source and generate traffic to a destination.
- image, flavor: Because this module resizes the number of VNF instances in SFC it can use pre-defined images and flavor (Instance spec.) to create VNFs.
These data should configured correctly to run this module as follows.
# config/config.yaml
host: http://<ni_mon_ip>:<ni_mon_port> # Configure here to interact with a monitoring module
host: http://<ni_nfvo_ip>:<ni_nfvo_port> # Configure here to interact with an NFVO module
instance: # Information of new instance created by a scale-out action
id: <instance_ssh_id> # SSH ID of new VNF instance
password: <instance_ssh_pw> # SSH ID of new VNF instance
prefix_splitter: '-' # Prefix to classify VNF instance name
max_number: 5 # Maximum number of VNF instances allowed in each tier
min_number: 1 # Minimum number of VNF instances allowed in each tier
sla_monitoring: # To access traffic generator and create traffic
src: # IP of traffic generator (instance in OpenStack)
id: aca0c954-27e9-42d8-8240-689948137f28 # ID of traffic generator (instance in OpenStack)
ssh_id: <ssh_id of the traffic generator> # SSH ID of traffic generator
ssh_pw: <ssh_pw of the traffic generator> # SSH PW of traffic generator
num_requests: 100 # Number of messages (This module generates HTTP messages)
image: # Image IDs used by OpenStack
firewall: <OpenStack Image ID>
flowmonitor: <OpenStack Image ID>
dpi: <OpenStack Image ID>
ids: <OpenStack Image ID>
proxy: <OpenStack Image ID>
sla_monitor: <OpenStack Image ID>
flavor: # Flavor ID used by OpenStack
default:<OpenStack Flavor ID>
Before running this module, OpenStack network ID should be configured because VNF instances in OpenStack can have multiple network interfaces. This module uses openstack_network_id value to identify a network interface used to create an SFC that is handled by an auto-scaling process. Moreover, Deep Q-networks (DQN) hyper-parameters can be configured as follows (they have default values).
# OpenStack Parameters
openstack_network_id = "" # Insert OpenStack Network ID to be used for creating SFC
# <Important!!!!> parameters for Reinforcement Learning (DQN in this codes)
learning_rate = 0.01 # Learning rate
gamma = 0.98 # Discount factor
buffer_limit = 5000 # Maximum Buffer size
batch_size = 32 # Batch size for mini-batch sampling
num_neurons = 128 # Number of neurons in each hidden layer
epsilon = 0.08 # epsilon value of e-greedy algorithm
required_mem_size = 200 # Minimum number triggering sampling
print_interval = 20 # Number of iteration to print result during DQN
After installation and configuration of this module, you can run this module by using the command as follows.
python3 -m server
This module provides web UI based on Swagger:
http://<host IP running this module>:<port number>/ui/
To handle an auto-scaling process in OpenStack testbed, this module processes HTTP POST/GET/DELETE messages. You can generate these messages by using web UI or using other library creating HTTP messages.
The destination URLs are as follows.
- (HTTP POST) http://<host IP running this module>:<port number>/create_scaling/threshold
- (HTTP POST) http://<host IP running this module>:<port number>/create_scaling/dqn
- (HTTP GET) http://<host IP running this module>:<port number>/get_all_scaling
- (HTTP GET) http://<host IP running this module>:<port number>/get_scaling/{name}
- (HTTP DELETE) http://<host IP running this module>:<port number>/delete_scaling/{name}
Required data to create an auto-scaling process based on threshold or DQN is in Threshold_ScalingInfo model and DQN_ScalingInfo model respectively. These models are JSON format data. To create an auto-scaling process in OpenStack testbed, this module processes a HTTP POST message including the model data in its body.
- scaling_name: a name of auto-scaling process identified by this module
- sfc_name: a name of SFC to be applied an auto-scaling process
- duration: a time to define the operating time of a created auto-scaling process. If you want to run infinitely, assign value 0 (unit: second)
- interval: an interval time to trigger an auto-scaling action every interval (unit: second)
- threshold_in: a value to trigger a scale-in action if response time measured is smaller than this value (unit: millisecond)
- threshold_out: a value to trigger a scale-out action if response time measured is bigger than this value (unit: millisecond)
For example, if a request includes Threshold_ScalingInfo data as follows, this module identifies an SFC of which name is test-sfc-1 and applies scaling actions to the SFC. This process will be running infinitely because the duration value is 0 and make a scaling decision every 10 seconds according to the interval value. Whenever making a decision, it depends on a response time measured through the SFC whether the measurement value is smaller or bigger than threshold_in/out.
"scaling_name": "test-threshold-scaling",
"sfc_name": "test-sfc-1",
"duration": 0,
"interval": 10,
"threshold_in": 20,
"threshold_out": 40
- scaling_name: a name of auto-scaling process identified by this module
- sfc_name: a name of SFC to be applied an auto-scaling process
- has_dataset: a boolean value to check whether there is a dataset to be used for training. If the dataset exists, this module reads the data from a dataset file and update the dataset during auto-scaling. The file name is same as the scaling_name.
- duration: a time to define the operating time of a created auto-scaling process. If you want to run infinitely, assign value 0 (unit: second)
- interval: an interval time to trigger an auto-scaling action every interval (unit: second)
- slo: a value of service level objective, which is response time (unit: millisecond)
For example, if a request includes DQN_ScalingInfo data as follows, this module identifies an SFC of which name is test-sfc-2 and applies scaling actions to the SFC. This process will be running during 1 hour because the duration value is 3600 and make a scaling decision every 20 seconds according to the interval value. Additionally, it reads stored dataset from a file of which name is test-dqn-scaling for training because the has_dataset value is true. Whenever making a decision, this module calculates rewards using the slo value and save a data to the file.
"scaling_name": "test-dqn-scaling",
"sfc_name": "test-sfc-2",
"has_dataset": true,
"duration": 3600,
"interval": 20,
"slo": 45
To get information of running auto-scaling processes in OpenStack testbed, this module processes a HTTP GET message. This message does not need to have data in its body because it is HTTP GET message. Instead, it needs to have {name} parameter in REST API URL when information of one of auto-scaling processes is required. On the other hand, you do not need to insert any parameters if you want to get information of all processes.
To stop and delete a running auto-scaling process, this module processes a HTTP DELETE message. It needs to have {name} parameter in REST API UR:. If there is an auto-scaling process of which name same as the {name}, this module stops and deletes the process.