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Gitalong is a tool for Git repositories that seek to prevent conflicts between files when working with a team. It uses hooks and a store to communicate local changes across all clones of a given remote. In turns this information can be leveraged by integrations to prevent modifying files that are already changed elsewhere.



Setting up Python and Git can be intimidating on Windows. You can make your life easier by installing Scoop and running scoop install python git in a Windows command prompt.


pip install gitalong



# Creating a dummy project repository and its clone in current working directory.
git init --bare project.git
git clone project.git project

# Creating a repository that Gitalong will use to store and share local changes.
# You would normally host this somewhere like GitHub so your entire team has access to it.
git init --bare store.git

# Setting up Gitalong in your project repository.
# This will clone the store repository in an ignored `.gitalong` folder.
# It will also start tracking a `.gitalong.json` configuration file.
gitalong -C project setup store.git --modify-permissions --tracked-extensions .jpg,.gif,.png --track-uncommitted --update-gitignore --update-hooks

# Creating some files.
touch project/uncommitted.png
touch project/local.gif
touch project/remote.jpg
touch project/untracked.txt

# Spreading them across branches.
git -C project add untracked.txt
git -C project commit -m "Add untracked.txt"
git -C project add remote.jpg
git -C project commit -m "Add remote.jpg"
git -C project push
git -C project reset --hard HEAD^
git -C project add local.gif
git -C project commit -m "Add local.gif"

# Updating tracked commits with current local changes.
# Because we specified `track_uncommitted`. Uncommitted changes will be stored as sha-less commit.
# Update permissions of all files based on track commits.
# Because `modify_permssions` was passed this will update all permissions of tracked files.
# Permission updates currently comes at high performance cost and is not recommended.
gitalong -C project update

# Checking the status for the files we created.
# Each status will show <spread> <filename> <commit> <local-branches> <remote-branches> <host> <author>.
# Spread flags represent where the commit live.
# It will be displayed in the following order:
# <local-uncommitted><local-active-branch><local-other-branch><remote-matching-branch><remote-other-branch><clone-other-branch><clone-matching-branch><clone-uncomitted>
# A `+` sign means is true, while a `-` sign means false or unknown.
gitalong -C project status uncommited.jpg local.gif remote.jpg untracked.txt

# If you installed with `--modify-permissions` this will try to make the files writable.
# The command will return and error code of 1 if one ore more of the files cannot be made writable.
gitalong -C project claim uncommited.jpg local.gif remote.jpg untracked.txt


import os
import tempfile
import logging

from git.repo import Repo
from gitalong import Repository, RepositoryNotSetup, CommitSpread

def test_example():
    """Testing example code featured in"""
    dirname = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    # Creating a dummy project repository and its clone in temp directory.
    project = Repo.init(path=os.path.join(dirname, "project.git"), bare=True)
    project_clone = project.clone(os.path.join(dirname, "project"))

        # This will raise as we never setup that repository with Gitalong.
        repository = Repository(project_clone.working_dir)

    except RepositoryNotSetup:

        # Creating a repository that Gitalong will use to store and share local changes.
        # You would normally host this somewhere like GitHub so your entire team has
        # access to it.
        store = Repo.init(path=os.path.join(dirname, "store.git"), bare=True)

        # Setting up Gitalong in your project repository.
        # This will clone the registry repository in an ignored `.gitalong` folder.
        # It will also start tracking a `.gitalong.json` configuration file.
        repository = Repository.setup(
            tracked_extensions=[".jpg", ".gif", ".png"],
            # Skipping hook update for the test.

    # Creating some files.
    open(os.path.join(project_clone.working_dir, "uncommitted.png"), "w").close()
    open(os.path.join(project_clone.working_dir, "local.gif"), "w").close()
    open(os.path.join(project_clone.working_dir, "remote.jpg"), "w").close()
    open(os.path.join(project_clone.working_dir, "untracked.txt"), "w").close()

    # Spreading them across branches.
    project_clone.index.commit(message="Add untracked.txt")
    project_clone.index.commit(message="Add remote.jpg")
    project_clone.git.reset("--hard", "HEAD^")
    project_clone.index.commit(message="Add local.gif")

    # Updating tracked commits with current local changes. Because we specified
    # `track_uncommitted`. Uncommitted changes will be stored as sha-less commit.

    # Update permissions of all files based on track commits. Because
    # `modify_permssions` was passed this will update all permissions of tracked files.
    # Permission updates currently comes at high performance cost and is not
    # recommended.
    locally_changed_files = repository.locally_changed_files
    for filename in repository.files:
        repository.update_file_permissions(filename, locally_changed_files)

    # Now we'll get the last commit for our files.
    # This could return a dummy commit representing uncommitted changes.
    uncommitted_last_commit = repository.get_file_last_commit("uncommitted.png")
    local_last_commit = repository.get_file_last_commit("local.gif")
    remote_last_commit = repository.get_file_last_commit("remote.jpg")
    untracked_last_commit = repository.get_file_last_commit("untracked.txt")

    # Getting the commit spreads.
    # Spread flags represent where the commit live.
    uncommitted_spread = repository.get_commit_spread(uncommitted_last_commit)
    local_spread = repository.get_commit_spread(local_last_commit)
    remote_spread = repository.get_commit_spread(remote_last_commit)
    untracked_spread = repository.get_commit_spread(untracked_last_commit)

    assert uncommitted_spread == CommitSpread.MINE_UNCOMMITTED
    assert local_spread == CommitSpread.MINE_ACTIVE_BRANCH
    assert remote_spread == CommitSpread.REMOTE_MATCHING_BRANCH
    assert untracked_spread == (
            CommitSpread.REMOTE_MATCHING_BRANCH | CommitSpread.MINE_ACTIVE_BRANCH

    # Trying to make the files writable.
    assert bool(repository.make_file_writable("uncommitted.png")) is False
    assert bool(repository.make_file_writable("local.gif")) is False
    assert bool(repository.make_file_writable("remote.jpg")) is True
    assert bool(repository.make_file_writable("untracked.txt")) is False

if __name__ == "__main__":


As mentioned earlier, Gitalong needs an accessible place to store and share local changes with all clones of the managed repository. Multiple options are offered here.

Git repository

A Git repository can be used for this purpose. The advantage of this solution is that you won't need more infrastructure and security mechanisms than what is needed to access your project's repository. That said, pulling and pushing the data that way is pretty slow. This method is used in the usage examples above. is a simple JSON hosting service. You will get faster operations with this option but it may come at a cost depending on your usage. See how to set this up below.


gitalong -C project setup<BIN_ID> --store-header X-Access-Key=<ACCESS_KEY> ...


repository = Repository.setup(
    store_headers={"X-Access-Key": "<ACCESS_KEY>"},

Worth noting that <ACCESS_KEY> can be an environment variable such as $ACCESS_KEY.


You can of course use your editor of choice, that said we provide a solid Visual Studio Code setup.

Setting up

Before starting, you'll have to install all the Python dependencies using the following command.

pip install --editable .[ci]

We recommand you do this in a virtual environment.


pytest - -cov - report = html - -cov = gitalong - -profile - svg


sphinx-build ./docs/source ./docs/build


python sdist bdist_wheel


twine upload --username __token__ --verbose dist/*


Git without conflicts.






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