A basic implementation of TicTacToe.
The goal is to have one module of business logic that is shared between a
- CLI app
- Web app
- Native app
Hoping to learn about
- building multiple executables
- writing a Haskell web server
- writing a Haskell native GUI app (even if it is very simple)
stack build --fast --file-watch --haddock-deps
- builds code and documentation and watches for file changes
stack test
stack test --fast --file-watch
- watch for changes and re-run tests
stack build ghcid
- builds the correct version of ghcid for current ghc
ghcid --command 'stack ghci --test --main-is haskell-tictactoe:haskell-tictactoe-test' --test ':main' --warnings
- compiles the library code and if successful runs the testsstack exec -- ghcid -c "stack ghci haskell-tictactoe"
- compiles the project
stack exec haskell-tictactoe-cli