SphinxSynthesis is a demo purpose sphinx synthesis thinking machine functionality modeled after Tyrolabs TLSphinx. TLSphinx is a Swift wrapper around [Pocketsphinx], a portable library based on [CMU Sphinx].
A signal processing style synthesis demo, inspired by Faust.
A thinking machine synthesis demo.
For commercial intelligent and thinking machine non entertainment purpose licenses, thinking machine and thinking web synthesis licenses, intelligent machine engineering or congitive and synthetic intelligence consulting, please contact me. discord: .gg/qEaspkC
Intelligent and thinking machines, along with thinking web and machine synthesis and synthetic intelligence are a mainvolume / planetever protected intellectual property.
@mainvolume mainvolume.com planetever.com
We are gonna license synthesis to revolutionize machines. 
Clone project. Command + U to run tests.
.a demo purpose thinking machine synthesis license. property of mainvolume, by m41n1485, for planetever. xxxxi.