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Task list

Ole Anders Stokker edited this page Jan 20, 2019 · 4 revisions

What needs to be done?


OW4 needs a few new API endpoints to match the functionality of OWF. For the currently implemented parts of OWF, these are: (There are probably more, create/list them if you want?)


For currently logged in user specifically

  • GET/POST for Privacy
  • GET/POST for Email
  • GET for Payments
  • GET for Penalties (marks and suspension separately)
  • GET/POST for 'My Profile'


  • GET for list of 'Public Profiles'


  • Add filtering options to API-endpoint for events. (filter both end and start date, filter by company, filter by title/description etc. Any others you may think of?)
  • GET/POST for single Event.


  • GET single Article?


  • GET all and/or by tag?


  • Add image to API endpoint


  • Add image to API endpoint

Onlineweb Frontend

Would be nice with some animation across the board?

Design choices

  • Figure out how to handle filtering on API requests in an orderly fashion that can be replicated for multiple endpoints. Search has an implemented solution, but I think it is a little 'wrong', but at least it is organized.


Frontpage / Events Page

This is mostly in a prototyped stage.

  • Calendar view needs some small fine-tuning. Mostly on the height of the cells. The should be equal, but I cant figure out how to get them equal when the width is based fractions of the container width.
  • List view needs a lot of CSS work to make it work, have a look at it.
  • List view needs to implement filtering functionality. Have a look at the Search filter from Profile?
  • Image view needs fine-tuning of CSS, and categorization of columns based on EventType.

Single Event Page

  • This needs to be implemented, not even started, not even ported. Implement from scratch, look to Figma and Event Docs for inspiration.



  • Routing is not implemented correctly, plz fix.


  • Search is kinda implemented, requires an endpoint to work with, but after that, not that much needs to be done?

My Profile

  • Tweak the CSS of Profile.
  • Enable editing of 'My Profile'.

Public Profile

  • CSS tweaks, maybe half way separate from 'My Profile', but not really?


Some settings are unimplemented. Those who are implemented; Mails, Privacy, Penalties, Payments(?).

  • Implement Membership
  • Implement Password
  • implement Apps?


  • Reimplement, plz.


  • Implement Open ID Connect to OW4
  • Extend global logged-in functionality (React 16.3 Context or Redux?)
  • Implement caching of sessions with localstorage?