- ask Kenwood about other datasheets and how many devices with COM Port are sold? So we know how many people could be interested in at maximum.
- better and shorter name for the project
- get datasheets from different transceivers (Kenwood and others)
- compare datasheets regarding different commands
- integrating different commandsets with the help of dictionaries
- script language to unify different commandsets
- integrated help for script language (commands)
- GUI (probably Qt4)
- documentation (sisu? ReST?)
- integrating new developers and helpers
- mailinglist, probably @ gmane
- ini file for specifying baudraute, etc.
- getting people to the project with small developer knowledge, eg for PR, making new contacts, graphics, etc.
- make code platform-independant
- error handling
Datasheet with PC-Control-Commands for Kenwood TS-480 http://images.kenwood.eu/files/images/products/product_id_257/file_category_4/kenwood_ts480_pc.pdf
Datasheet with PC-Control-Commands for Yaesu FT2000 http://www.yaesu.com/downloadFile.cfm?FileID=3973&FileCatID=158&FileName=FT%2D2000%5FCAT%5FMANUAL%5FENG%5FEH025H124.pdf&FileContentType=application%2Fpdf