Don't Starve mod which enables pine cones from trees to be modified. The modified cone missiles can be thrown in your enemies face!
This mod adds some extra features to pine cones dropped by (not sparse-)evergreens. You can now harvest every grown up evergreen and will find one pine cone. These pine cones disappear, when evergreens grow old.
Now you can craft some mighty cone missiles to throw at your enemies head. This conemissiles stack up to 6 and reload on use. The damage is quite low (12) and there is a chance of 20% to miss the target.
- To balance this mod, pine cones now dont burn in fire pits as good as without the mod. Treants don't chill out as fast as without the mod.
- You can farm acorns from birchnut trees with a probability of 25% if they are grown big. (farming from any trees can be turned off)
- Re-equip cone missiles: If you want to disable automatic reload.
- Harder Treeguards
- Pine cone flammability
- Harvest from trees
Big thanks to Malacath for the great support!
Part of: