- Frontend developer, noob™ 🐛
- Born in 1990, where so many huge events happened around the world.
- CSS3 stuff (flex-box and those fancy stuff about text, background and filter)
- Sass
- PostCSS
- susy & breakpoint (for RWD)
- React / Redux
- ES6 (those syntax sugar) & Babel
- jQuery
- Webpack
- Gulp
- Git & Github
[政票黨計算機] (http://donrsh.github.io./MMP%20Calculator/MMP-calculaor.html) - with React/Redux and Material UI. Material UI is a package of web components based on React)
[Like Rain Drops the Ground] (http://codepen.io/donrsh/pen/YyEbKP) - this is an animation work. jQuery and GSAP are used in this project.