react dialog component
var Dialog = require('rc-dialog');
(<Dialog title={title} onClose={callback1} onShow={callback2}>
<p>first dialog</p>
// use dialog
name | type | default | description |
prefixCls | String | rc-dialog | The dialog dom node's prefixCls |
visible | Boolean | false | |
renderToBody | Boolean | true | whether render dialog to body |
animation | String | part of dialog animation css class name | |
maskAnimation | String | part of dialog's mask animation css class name | |
title | String|React.Element | Title of the dialog | |
footer | React.Element | footer of the dialog | |
closable | Boolean | true | whether show close button and click mask to close |
onBeforeClose | function(close) | when click close button or mask. argument is a close function |
npm install
npm start
online example:
rc-dialog is released under the MIT license.