- When: 2016-07-29 19:30 BRT.
- Where: Verlindo Comunicação, Brasília, Brazil.
- What: Roman Numerals and Roman Calculator from Coding Dojo.
- How: Rust, with the goal with getting ourselves familiarized with the language.
- Felipe Lessa (@meteficha, sensei)
- Daniel Saad (@danielsaad)
- Halian Vilela (@halian-vilela)
- Ruben Cruz (@rubencruz)
- Edward Ribeiro (@eribeiro)
- Bruno Berto
- Halian: lifetime's asshole is cock.
- Saad: memory safety is very nice.
- Everyone liked the fact that Rust has builtin support for unit testing.
- Ruben: didn't like the fact that it wasn't straightforward to use strings.
- Edward: liked the strong static type system.
- Trying to use a language no one knows is though.
- Felipe: the final code has some nice symmetries that noone was able to see until a lot of code was already written.
Nobody else wanted to be the next sensei, so the next one will be myself again using Rust :).