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Template class for wrapping C resources in RAII


CWrapper is one class that you can use to wrap C resource management. Designed to be easy-to-use, and compatible with most common C practices.

It generates

  • constructor
  • move constructor
  • move assignment operator
  • destructor

for you automatically. You can choose whether copy constructor should be deleted or generated.

Optionally, operator-> and conversion operators can be generated, with or without const safety.


CWrapper is one header file, with no dependencies, you can use it for any C library.

However, it higly relies on C++11 features, so you will need a C++11-compatible compiler.

Basic usage


    typename HANDLE_T,
    typename FUNCTIONS,
    CWrapperType TYPE = CWrapperType::Get,
    bool CONSTSAFE = true>
using CWrapper = /* internal template magic */;


Type of handle to wrap, example: FILE*. HANDLE_T must be copy-constructable and copy-assignable. There must be a possible value of HANDLE_T indicating that the handle is invalid, for example, nullptr for pointers. This invalid value is customizable.

If HANDLE_T is a pointer type, operator-> will be generated for the wrapper.


This shall be a class that has static functions called ctor_func and dtor_func, these will be called in constructor and destructor. If FUNCTIONS has a static function called copy_func, CWrapper will also generate copy constructor and copy assignment operator. Optionally, invalid_value static member, validate_func static function and exception nested type can be specified. None of these functions are allowed to throw an exception.

However, it should be called CONTROLLER as this term describes its behavior better.

  • invalid_value shall be an instance of HANDLE_T or convertible to HANDLE_T. Handle is set to invalid_value after moving out the handle from an rvalue reference. It has a default value: nullptr if HANDLE_T is a pointer, and 0 otherwise.
  • validate_func shall have one HANDLE_T parameter. It is called after all ctor_func and copy_func calls. It shall return true if the handle passed as parameter is valid, false otherwise. It has a default value, checks if parameter is invalid_value.
  • ctor_func shall return with HANDLE_T. It may have any parameters except HANDLE_T, and it may also be overloaded. The return value will be checked with validate_func.
  • dtor_func shall have one HANDLE_T parameter, its return value is discarded. The function is called only if validate_func returned true.
  • copy_func shall return with HANDLE_T and it shall have one const HANDLE_T parameter. The return value will be checked with validate_func.
  • exception is thrown (with its default constructor) whenever ctor_func or copy_func returns an invalid handle. Its default type is std::bad_alloc.
  • This seems a bad limit that the default constructor is called, but this is more flexible than you think. Just make a custom exception type with a more informative default constructor.


class stdc_error : public std::exception
    int error_number = errno;
    virtual const char * what() const noexcept override
        return strerror(error_number);

However, it is not required use actual functions, they can be any function objects, like std::function, function pointers or auto variables: static constexpr auto ctor_func = fopen;


Its type is CWrapperType:

enum class CWrapperType
  • Implicit: CWrapper will generate an implicit conversion operator to HANDLE_T.
  • Explicit: CWrapper will generate an explicit conversion operator to HANDLE_T.
  • Get: CWrapper will generate a member function called .get() that returns HANDLE_T.

TYPE is CWrapperType::Get by default.


If CONSTSAFE is true and HANDLE_T is a pointer type, CWrapper will have two conversion operators and two operator->.

For example, if TYPE is CWrapperType::Get, wrapper will have the following functions:

PTR_T* get();
PTR_T const* get() const;

PTR_T* operator->();
PTR_T const* operator->() const;

If CONSTSAFE is false and HANDLE_T is a pointer type, wrapper will have these functions:

PTR_T* get() const;
PTR_T* operator->() const;

If HANDLE_T is not a pointer type, CONSTSAFE has no effect, and wrapper will have this function:

HANDLE_T get() const;

CONSTSAFE is true by default.

Advanced usage

CWrapper's main purpose is to hide resource management in RAII, but keep the behaviour of the original handle. It is not designed for converting all global handling functions to member functions, it is your job! However, CWrapper makes it easier, I will add examples showing this.

Known issues

This is not really an issue of CWrapper, but it must be noted: dtor_func should never be called directly.

using FileWrapper = CWrapper<FILE*, FileWrapperFunctions, CWrapperType::Implicit, false>;

int main() 
    FileWrapper file("example.txt", "r");
    // use file
    fclose(file); // <- ERROR

The destructor of file will call fclose again on the internal pointer, so this will result in a crash.

  1. Do not use implicit conversion, so there is a smaller chance that you will call fclose without paying attention.
  2. Delete the function:
void fclose(FileWrapper const&) = delete;

Currently there is no elegant solution if you really need to close a wrapper, to call its destructor function explicitly. This might be inevitable for example if it is a global variable.

{ FileWrapper temp = std::move(file); }

More examples

Current main.cpp wraps FILE* as it is the only C resource management in the standard library.

I will add some more examples soon, using various libraries like SDL2, iniparser and pcap.


Template class for wrapping C resources in RAII







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