The purpose of this project is to demonstrate various techniques and methods for using FluentValidation to validate business objects.
This is an examples-based Visual Studio solution where each type of example is surfaced through an associated folder. Each folder has an associated
that provides additional technical information about the example.
- example web page
- example web page
The example scenarios are:
- Using data annotations and model state
- Create a fluent-validator to validate a business object
- Invoke a fluent-validator manually and map validation errors to model state
- Implement validation is as a cross-cutting concern using decoration
- Implement validation is as a cross-cutting concern using MediatR pipeline behaviours
- Introduce ExceptionFilters for handling validation errors as a cross-cutting concern
- Validating a collection
- Validating a business object based on data stored in a database
- Introduce unit tests to test validation logic for business rules
You can see an examples of a simple validator in the Samples.Core.Models
folder. The following code snippet shows a simple validator for the Person object
using FluentValidation;
namespace Samples.Core.Models
public record Person(string? Name, int? Age);
public class PersonValidator : AbstractValidator<Person>
public PersonValidator()
RuleFor(x => x.Name).NotEmpty();
RuleFor(x => x.Age).NotEmpty()
.InclusiveBetween(5, 65)
.WithMessage("The person's age must be between 5 and 65.");