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Standardise your custom UI form components with ControlValueAccessor Test Suite

NPM package

ngx-cva-test-suite provides an extensive set of test cases, ensuring your custom controls behave as intended. Package is designed and tested to work properly with both Jest and Jasmine test runners.

It provides various configurations, that allows even the most non-standard components to be properly tested.

Among the main features:

  • ensures the correct amount of calls for the onChange function (incorrect usage may result in extra emissions of valueChanges of formControl)
  • ensures correct triggering of onTouched function (is needed for touched state of the control and updateOn: 'blur' strategy to function properly)
  • ensures that no extra emissions are present when control is disabled
  • checks for control to be resettable using AbstractControl.reset()

In the repository you can also find few simple CVA components, that are configured properly along with ngx-cva-test-suite setup for them.


npm i ngx-cva-test-suite --save-dev

Simple Usage

See config below for the details on each property.

import { runValueAccessorTests } from `ngx-cva-test-suite`;
import { ComboboxComponent } from './combobox.component';

    /** Component, that is being tested */
    component: ComboboxComponent,
     * All the metadata required for this test to run.
     * Under the hood calls TestBed.configureTestingModule with provided config.
    testModuleMetadata: {
        declarations: [ComboboxComponent],
    /** Whether component is able to track "onBlur" events separately */
    supportsOnBlur: true,
     * CSS selector for the element, that should dispatch `blur` event.
     * Required and used only if `supportsOnBlur` is set to true.
    nativeControlSelector: 'input.combobox-input',
     * Tests the correctness of an approach that is used to set value in the component,
     * when the change is internal. It's optional and can be omitted by passing "null"
    internalValueChangeSetter: (fixture, value) => {
        fixture.componentInstance.setValue(value, true);
    /** Function to get the value of a component in a runtime. */
    getComponentValue: (fixture) => fixture.componentInstance.value,

Using host template

This type of configuration might become handy, if your CVA component relies on projected content or specific layout to function correctly. A good example of such would be a select component, that gets it's options as projected content.

import { runValueAccessorTests } from 'ngx-cva-test-suite';
import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';

import { CustomCheckboxControlValueAccessor } from './support/standard-value-accessors-directives';

    template: `
            <app-select-option [value]="1">Opt 1</app-select-option>
            <app-select-option [value]="2">Opt 2</app-select-option>
            <app-select-option [value]="3">Opt 3</app-select-option>
export class SelectWrapperComponent {
    @ViewChild(AppSelectComponent) ctrl: AppSelectComponent;

runValueAccessorTests<AppSelectComponent, SelectWrapperComponent>({
    // <= if host template is used, it should be marked explicitly as a type
    component: AppSelectComponent, // <= using actual AppSelectComponent as a test target
    testModuleMetadata: {
        declarations: [SelectWrapperComponent],
        imports: [AppSelectModule], // <= importing the module for app-select
    hostTemplate: {
        // specify that "AppSelectComponent" should not be tested directly
        hostComponent: SelectWrapperComponent,
        // specify the way to access "AppSelectComponent" from the host template
        getTestingComponent: (fixture) => fixture.componentInstance.ctrl,
    supportsOnBlur: false,
    internalValueChangeSetter: (fixture, value) => {
        // "setValue" is a function that is being called
        // when user selects any "app-select-option"
        fixture.componentInstance.ctrl.setValue(value, true);
    getComponentValue: (fixture) => fixture.componentInstance.ctrl.value,
    getValues: () => [1, 2, 3], // <= setting the same values as select options in host template


interface CVATestConfig<T extends CVAComponentType, H = T>

testModuleMetadata: TestModuleMetadata

All the metadata required for this test to run. Under the hood calls TestBed.configureTestingModule with provided config

name?: string

Is used in a root describe statement of the test suite.

Should be the name of the component, that is being tested. By default will use the name of testing component.

hostTemplate?: HostTemplate<T, H>

Allows to define custom wrapper template for this set of tests. Is useful if CVA cannot be tested in complete isolation.

See details below

component: Type

Component, that is being tested

getComponentValue: (fixture: ComponentFixture) => any

Function to get the value of a component in a runtime. Is used to ensure component applies provided value correctly. Set to null if you want to skip this check.

Example usage:

// supposed your component has "getValue()" method
getComponentValue: (fixture) => fixture.componentInstance.getValue();

supportsOnBlur: boolean

This is related to the ability to track blur events in order to set emitOn: 'blur' when used in reactive form.

If set to true, component will be tested to not call onTouched event when value changed. Instead of this, it will be expected to trigger this function by html blur event using native control (see nativeControlSelectorin this config).

nativeControlSelector?: string

CSS selector for the element, that should dispatch blur event. Required and used only if supportsOnBlur is set to true. Provided selected will be used to programmatically dispatch blur event.


<input class="combobox-input" />

For the CVA with HTML as above the following should be provided:

nativeControlSelector: 'input.combobox-input';

internalValueChangeSetter: (fixture: ComponentFixture, value: any) => void

Tests the approach that is used to set value in the component, when the change is internal (e.g. by clicking on an option of the select or typing in the input field). When value is set, "onChange" (and "onTouched" depending on the "blur" behavior) methods are expected to be invoked

Set to null if you want to skip this check.

Example: if in your component you have something like this in html

<input (input)="onSearchChange($ />

then provide here

internalValueChangeSetter: (fixture, value) => {

additionalSetup?: (fixture: ComponentFixture, done: () => void) => void

Gives an ability to add any additional logic for the setup process. It will be called before running each test.

Make sure you are calling done callback after setup is finished.

customDelay?: number

After setting the value, each test waits for the given amount of time before going further with checks. Defaults to 100ms

getValues?: () => [any, any, any]

Customizer for plain values. By default will use ['a', 'b', 'c']

This test suite applies up to 3 different values on the component. If strings are not supported in your component, replace it with whatever is needed. It's recommended to NOT use consecutive same values (like [1, 1, 1])


getValues: () => [1, 2, 3]
// or
getValues: () => [true, false, true]

resetCustomValue?: { value: any }

Component will be tested for correct behavior, when FormControl's reset() method is called. After simulating this call, it will check if value of the component is reset internally.

If your component is not supposed to work with null as a value, specify what you're expecting to have as a value internally

disabledStateNotSupported?: boolean

Set this to true, if component cannot be disabled.

If set to true, ControlValueAccessor.setDisabledState() function will not be checked for existance and correct behavior.

testRunnerType?: TestRunnerType

Test suite will automatically detect whether it's Jest or Jasmine environment. If needed, this can be overriden

excludeSteps?: CVATestSteps[];

List of steps to be excluded from execution. Cannot be specified along with includeSteps

includeSteps?: CVATestSteps[];

List of steps to be included in execution. Cannot be specified along with excludeSteps

interface HostTemplate<T, H>

hostComponent: Type

Wrapper, that hosts testing component. For example, to test app-select-component the following wrapper is used

    selector: 'app-test-component-wrapper',
    template: `
        <app-select label="Label Value" #ctrl>
            <app-select-option [value]="1" label="Opt 1"></app-select-option>
            <app-select-option [value]="2" label="Opt 2"></app-select-option>
            <app-select-option [value]="3" label="Opt 3"></app-select-option>
class TestWrapperComponent {
    @ViewChild('ctrl') ctrl: AppSelectComponent;

getTestingComponent: (fixture: ComponentFixture) => T

Getter for the actual component that is being tested

Using the hostComponent above, the following function should be used: (fixture) => fixture.componentInstance.ctrl;