Releases: dmitry-lavrik/smart-grid
Release 2.1.2
Non-standard rows, columns and offsets
Sometimes it is necessary to make placement of elements not on the customized grid.
For example, we have grid with 12 columns and offset equals 30 px.
But in some section we need to use grid with 10 columns and offset equals 0 px.
Now smart-grid can do it!
As sample:
@o: 10px;
.u-row-flex(@o); /* display flex and negative margins */
.u-col(@o); /* positive margins */
.u-size(2, 8, @o); /* 100% / 8 * 2 - margins */
.sm-block({.u-size(4, 8, @o)}); /* 100% / 8 * 4 - margins -> wrap to sm media */
$o: 10px;
@include u-row-flex($o);
@include u-col($o);
@include u-size(2, 8, $o);
@include sm-block(){
@include u-size(4, 8, $o);
$o: 10px
+u-size(2, 8, $o)
+u-size(3, 15, $o)
$o = 40px
u-size(2, 8, $o)
u-size(4, 8, $o)
This opportunity is rarely needed, but sometimes without it writing code is inconvenient.
For example, you might want to create a row and zero-indented columns. This is necessary when the columns must touch the backgrounds.
Release 2.1.1
Important change for stylus
color red
padding 20px
margin 10px
Doesn't work now!
This syntax had some problems with & and nested rules.
New way
color red
padding 20px
margin 10px
It's compact and better.
Do not upgrade the smart-grid to version 2.1.1 if you are used to the old version for stylus.
Release 2.0.0 beta
New opportunities
Boolean flag mobileFirst in settings
var settings = {
mobileFirst: false, /* mobileFirst ? 'min-width' : 'max-width' */
If mobileFirst is false, mixins use max-width conditions, min-with otherwise.
As sample, mobileFirst: true
.size(3); /* for all screens */
.size-md(6); /* less than @break_md screen */
.size-xs(12); /* less than @break_xs screen */
As sample, mobileFirst: false
.size(12); /* for all screens */
.size-md(6); /* more than @break_md screen */
.size-lg(3); /* more than @break_lg screen */
The order of call of mixins is important!
Change offsets on breakPoints
We can set
var settings = {
offset: "30px", /* for all screens */
breakPoints: {
/* simple points */
xs: {
width: "576px",
offset: "10px" /* less than @break_xs (mobileFirst is false) */
It's work good, but now you have to set size and shift mixins on xs-point!
As sample
is wrong!!!
.size-md set width: ~"calc(100% / 12 * 6 - @{offset_md})";
but @offset_md is 30px, @offset_xs is 10px;
So we need to repeat size
This is only relevant if you change the offset on breakPoint. So don't change offsets too often.
String defaultMediaDevice in settings
var settings = {
defaultMediaDevice: "screen", /* you can set any variants */
This string used in all media queries in mixins.
Mixins from, to, from-to
from -> min-width (from this width and more)
to -> max-width (from this width and less)
from-to -> min-width and max-width (between width 1 and width 2)
.from(700px, {
color: red;
.to(700px, {
color: green;
.from-to(500px, 800px, {
margin-top: 20px;
and we get
@media screen and (min-width: 700px){
color: red;
@media screen and (max-width: 700px){
color: green;
@media screen and (min-width: 500px) and (max-width: 800px){
margin-top: 20px;
Add grid with inline-block
Flex is wonderful! But some people are worried about the resources of the browser.
So, if block is simple, you can use
.row-ib(); /* row inline-block */
.col(); /* set offsets and box-sizing */
.col-ib(); /* set display: inline-block and vertical-align: top */
/* sizes */
But remember that inline-block variant has joke with spaces between html tags!
Add mixin containerFull
it's simple conrainer but without any max-width.
Small changes
Offsets mixins rename to shifts on default.
In smart-grid 1
In smart-grid 2
You can set any name with setting mixinNames.shift.
You can rename all mixins at your own discretion with mixinNames setting.
Array properties
This is not relevant. No differense between
.md(justify-content, center);
Boolean flag oldSizeStyle
Smartgrid 2 don't generate old variants of size mixins.
Smartgrid 2.0.0 is in beta! Please report bugs!
Good luck!
Release 1.0.4
Great new mixins for meqia queries
Nobody likes to write @media screen and (max-width: @break_md) e t.c.
It's long and tedious.
Previously, smartgrid supported short mixin for 1 property:
.md(color, red);
And we got:
@media screen and (max-width: 992px){
color: red;
But if we have many changes into media query, we write
.md(color, red);
.md(padding, 20px);
.md(margin, 10px);
It's strange isn't it!?
And now smartgrid support wonderful mixins such as md-block.
color: red;
padding: 20px;
margin: 10px;
@include md-block{
color: red;
padding: 20px;
margin: 10px;
color: red
padding: 20px
margin: 10px
color red
padding 20px
margin 10px
All samples compiled to
@media screen and (max-width: 992px){
color: red;
padding: 20px;
margin: 10px;
It's really convenient!
Thank #3 for this idea!
Release 1.0.1
Little fixes
Append img max-width to reset mixin
Img tag always breaks the grid because img get native width. And we need to write
max-width: 100%;
After that the image does not get out parent element. This code append to reset mixin.
Inconvenient values are replaced with variables
and use @offset_one_side in mixins
This fix is invisible to the developer.
New opportunities
Rename output file
As sample
var settings = {
filename: '_smart-grid', /* default smart-grid */
outputStyle: 'sass'
and we get "_smart-grid.sass" instead "smart-grid.sass"
Thank to #1 for this idea.
Rem in offsets
Now we can use rem in offsets.
As sample
var settings = {
columns: 12,
ofsset: '2rem'
And if we write
we get
width: calc(25% - 2rem);
This is convenient if the designer has attached the size of the indent to the font size.