Node.js module that pushes errors to the Squash ( reporting system.
Install with
npm install squash-node
An example express app with error handling middleware can be seen here.
To config squash using nconf and git-rev for your latest git revision add this to your express.
var git = require('git-rev')
var Squash = require('squash-node');
var squash = new Squash();
var nconf = require('nconf');
var configPath = __dirname + "/./config.json";
console.log('loading settings from: ' + configPath);
file: configPath
git.long(function (rev) {
squash.configure({ APIHost: nconf.get("squash:apihost"),
APIKey: nconf.get("squash:apikey"),
environment: nconf.get("squash:env"),
revision: rev
console.log('Squash Config');
You'll need a config.json for nconf like so
"squash" : {
"apihost" : "http://your-squash-server",
"apikey" : "the-key-for-your-project",
"env" : "production|development|whatever"
Then add error handling middleware that reports Error objects to Squash from your express app
app.use(function(err, req, res, next){;