IMS LTI 1.3 based starter (sample) application written using Java and Spring Boot
The goal is to have a Java based web app which can serve as the basis (or starting point) for building a fully compliant LTI 1.3 tool.
This will produce a lti13demo.jar file in the target directory
mvn install
note, to avoid some test errors if those happen, try
mvn install -DskipTests=true
You can run the app in place to try it out without having to install and deploy a servlet container.
mvn clean install -DskipTests=true spring-boot:run
Then go to the following default URL:
You can access the H2 console for default in-memory DB (JDBC URL: jdbc:h2:mem:AZ, username: sa, password: (blank)) at:
Use the to control various aspects of the Spring Boot application (like setup your own database connection). Use the logback.xml to adjust and control logging.
To enable the debugging port (localhost:5050) when using spring-boot:run, use the maven profile: -Pdebug. Then you can attach any remote debugger (eclipse, intellij, etc.) to localhost:8000. NOTE that the application will pause until you connect the debugger to it.
mvn clean install spring-boot:run -Pdebug