The subgraph contains 2 entities
- ID - Address of pool
- Name - description
- totalSupply
- ID - Date
- Asset!
- pricePerShare
- Run
yarn codegen
to generate Graph-queryable Solidity code (in./generated
) - Run
yarn install
to installnode_modules
- You can use production subgraph to explore the data struct: or you can set up a local subgraph (see below)
- Go to and find the swap address
- Copy ABI from Etherscan's contract
- Update subgraph.yaml
yarn codegen
- Add the necessary callbacks in
When defining the GraphQL schema, you can supply startBlock of the contract to significantly speed up deployment:
Note: The contract creation block can be quickly looked up on Etherscan:
1. Search for the contract by entering its address in the search bar.
2. Click on the creation transaction hash in the Contract Creator section.
3. Load the transaction details page where you'll find the start block for that contract.
- Setup an ETH mainnet locally. You can use AlchemyAPI: Make sure to choose Mainnet and Production as your blockchain. Fork a local ETH mainnet by running (make sure hardhat is installed). I'm forking at earliest block number found in subgraph.yaml (
npx hardhat node --fork --fork-block-number 10796945
This will create a local blockchain accessible from
2a. Follow instructions to get local graph node running:
2b (alternative) Start a Graph node. Easiest way is to use scaffold-eth with the following changes:
change network to 'mainnet:http://host.docker.internal:8545' rm -rf docker/graph-node/data/ yarn graph-run-node
3. `NETWORK=mainnet BLOCKCHAIN=ethereum yarn prepare:subgraph`
4. Run `yarn create-local && yarn deploy-local` create and deploy the subgraph.