Well... this is similar to https://github.com/dkesselman/IBMi_Cloud_Backup , but using OneDrive as a target, because there are lot of people using Office365 and they have 1TB per seat. It's a nice amount of storage for development purposes.
In this case we use the project "onedrivecmd" and Python 3, so you need to install:
- OpenSSH (5733-SC1) and start SSH
- YUM (install the software)
- GIT (download the project)
- PIGZ (compression)
- ReadLine (input data)
- Python3
Once you've installed OpenSSH and YUM (I recommend using IBM Access Client Solutions) you can run from your BASH command line (remember to tune your PATH):
yum install git pigz readline python3
Next, you need to install "onedrivecmd":
/QOpenSys/pkgs/bin/pip3 install https://github.com/OneDrive/onedrive-sdk-python/archive/master.zip
/QOpenSys/pkgs/bin/pip3 install onedrivecmd
Initialize onedrivecmd
onedrivecmd init
Follow the messages in your ssh session (you will need to cut&paste a long URL).
And now you can download this scripts and change permissions:
chmod +x mnuod*
Now you can run:
Good luck!