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dimin edited this page Aug 3, 2011 · 6 revisions

PanoJS v3 is a project derived from Giant Ass Image Viewer, GSIV, PanoJS and other contributions to this software. The new iteration made several changes to the JS instantiation, UI and events making it usable from mobile platforms.


PanoJS v3 follows the same license of previous projects: Apache License v2

Desired enhancements

This project needs volunteers to improve the code, please fork the repository and contribute!

UI enhancements

  • Use Browser-based image interpolation for smooth zoom like google maps (css3 transform)
  • Improve support for Internet Explorer which is quite basic at this moment
  • Stop slow motion on zoom-in with double click?
  • Introduce overlays for graphical objects and other images

UI wrappings, as plug-ins

  • Wrap PanoJS into an ExtJS widget, providing all the resize handling and similar stuff

Internal code

  • Finish moving tile logic into a separate class and cleaning up the rendering code
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