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Oskar Dillén edited this page May 1, 2014 · 10 revisions

Some examples of what you can do:

	// Get a member
	Member memberTrello = trello.Members.WithId("trello");

	// Get the authenticated member
	Member me = trello.Members.Me();

	// Get a board
	Board theTrelloDevBoard = trello.Boards.WithId("4d5ea62fd76aa1136000000c");

	// Get an organization
	Organization trelloApps = trello.Organizations.WithId("trelloapps");

	// Get all members of a board
	IEnumerable<Member> membersOfTrelloDevBoard = trello.Members.ForBoard(theTrelloDevBoard);
	// Get all owners of a board
	IEnumerable<Member> ownersOfTrelloDevBoard = trello.Members.ForBoard(theTrelloDevBoard, MemberFilter.Owners);

	// Get all members of an organization
	IEnumerable<Member> membersInTrelloAppsOrg = trello.Members.ForOrganization(trelloApps);

	// Get all boards of a member
	IEnumerable<Board> allMyBoards = trello.Boards.ForMember(me);

	//Get all boards of an organization
	IEnumerable<Board> allBoardsOfTrelloAppsOrg = trello.Boards.ForOrganization(trelloApps);

	// Get all closed boards of an organization
	IEnumerable<Board> closedBoardsOfTrelloAppsOrg = trello.Boards.ForOrganization(trelloApps, BoardFilter.Closed);

	// Get all lists on a board
	IEnumerable<List> allListsInTheTrelloDevBoard = trello.Lists.ForBoard(theTrelloDevBoard);

	// Get all cards on a board
	IEnumerable<Card> allCardsOnTheTrelloDevBoard = trello.Cards.ForBoard(theTrelloDevBoard);

	// Get all cards assigned to a member
	IEnumerable<Card> allCardsAssignedToMe = trello.Cards.ForMember(me);

	// Get all organizations that a member belongs to
	IEnumerable<Organization> allMyOrganizations = trello.Organizations.ForMember(me);

	// Get unread notifications
	IEnumerable<Notification> notifications = trello.Notifications.ForMe(readFilter: ReadFilter.Unread);

	// Get a token
	Token token = trello.Tokens.WithToken("[a token]");

	// Get all actions since last view
	foreach (Action action in trello.Actions.ForMe(since: Since.LastView))

	// Create a new board
	Board aNewBoard = trello.Boards.Add(new NewBoard("A new board"));

	// Close a board

	// Create a new list
	List aNewList = trello.Lists.Add(new NewList("A new list", aNewBoard));

	// Archive a list

	// Create a card
	Card aNewCard = trello.Cards.Add(new NewCard("A new card", aNewList));

	// Label card
	trello.Cards.AddLabel(aNewCard, Color.Green);

	// Assign member to card
	trello.Cards.AddMember(aNewCard, me);

	// Delete a card

	// Comment on a card
	trello.Cards.AddComment(aNewCard, "My comment");

	// Update entire card (also works for list, board and checklist)
	aNewCard.Name = "an updated name";
	aNewCard.Desc = "an updated description";

	// Create a checklist
	Checklist aNewChecklist = trello.Checklists.Add("My checklist", aNewBoard);

	// Add the checklist to a card
	trello.Cards.AddChecklist(aNewCard, aNewChecklist);

	// Add check items
	trello.Checklists.AddCheckItem(aNewChecklist, "My check item");

	// Search in Boards, Cards, Members, Organizations and Actions
	var results = trello.Search("some search query");
	Console.WriteLine("Found {0} boards", results.Boards.Count);
	Console.WriteLine("Found {0} cards", results.Cards.Count);
	Console.WriteLine("Found {0} members", results.Members.Count);
	// etc...

	// Or search per model individually
	IEnumerable<Card> cards = trello.Cards.Search("some search query", limit: 10);
	foreach (var card in cards)

	// Do things asynchronously! Same API as the sync one, except the methods returns Task.
	Task<IEnumerable<Card>> cardsTask = trello.Async.Cards.ForMe();

	// Fetch actions and notifications without having to deal with paging (use namespace TrelloNet.Extensions)
	IEnumerable<Action> allActionsForABoard = trello.Actions.AutoPaged().ForBoard(aNewBoard);
	IEnumerable<Notification> allMyNotifications = trello.Notifications.AutoPaged().ForMe();

	// Example: Check all unchecked check items on all cards on a specified board async
	var changeStateTasks = from card in trello.Cards.ForBoard(new BoardId("[a board id]"))
			       from checkList in card.Checklists
			       from checkItem in checkList.CheckItems
			       where !checkItem.Checked
			       select trello.Async.Cards.ChangeCheckItemState(card, checkList, checkItem, true);

    // If you need to call the trello api in a way that Trello.NET does not support, you can issue a custom request. 
    // Look at the API reference
    // This example gets a list and all it's cards in the same request
    dynamic myList = trello.Advanced.Get("/lists/1234567890abcdefghijklmn", new { cards = "all" });
    foreach (var card in
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