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Adding a new digraph example

Tom Conti-Leslie edited this page Mar 28, 2021 · 2 revisions

The Digraphs GAP package comes with a list of digraph examples that can be loaded using Digraph("graphname"). This wiki page explains how to add new examples of named digraphs to the collection.

N.B. all examples currently implemented are directed graphs, and they are all stored as DiSparse6 strings. When a digraph is loaded using Digraph("graphname"), it is converted from its DiSparse6 string using the standard DigraphFromDiSparse6String method. To encode a named undirected graph, you should convert each undirected edge into a pair of directed edges.

To add a digraph example, you will be updating the named digraphs main database and the named digraphs test database. The named digraphs main database contains DiSparse6 strings, and is loaded into GAP when a user tries to run the Digraph operation on a string. The test database is only used in Digraphs extreme and standard tests, to make sure standard functions are working properly. Every named digraph in the main database must have a corresponding entry in the test database, so both need to be updated for the CI to pass.

What you'll need

  • A digraph, G. To encode a graph, use a symmetric digraph with no multiple edges.
  • The DiSparse6 string of G (you can get this in Digraphs using DiSparse6String(G)).
  • A name for your digraph (here we will use "Andrews Graph").
  • At least one property of G that you have already computed, for the test database. For example, you may know that your digraph satisfies DigraphDiameter(G) = 5. Make sure that the property can be computed in Digraphs using a function that takes only one argument G.

Updating the named digraphs main database

The main digraphs database is a record stored in the GAP file /data/named-digraphs-main-database.g. Each component of the record has a lowercase string with no spaces as its name (usually without "graph" at the end - e.g. the component for our "Andrews Graph" will have name "andrews"). The value of this component is the digraph's ds6 string.

To add a named digraph to the list, simply add a record component assignment to the file. In our example, add the following to the bottom of the database file:

DIGRAPHS_NamedDigraphs.("andrews") := ".Ea@_WGxGsyGE@_bcbR";

Updating the named digraphs test database

The digraphs test database is a record stored in the GAP file /data/named-digraphs-test-database.g. The component names are the same as for the main database. But the value of each component, rather than a DiSparse6 string, is itself a record specifying the expected results of applying various functions to G. The functions to apply should be the component names, while the expected outputs are set as component values. For example, for our new Andrews Graph G, we may assign the following test record:

  DigraphDiameter := 2;
  NrSpanningTrees := 384;
  IsRegularDigraph := true;

This indicates that we have pre-computed the expected outputs DigraphDiameter(G) = 2, NrSpanningTrees(G) = 384, and so on. These expected values will be used as tests in the Digraphs package's extreme tests. For the CI tests to pass, at least one expected output per new named digraph should be given. Once you have computed some expected values, add them to the test database file as follows:

DIGRAPHS_NamedDigraphsTests.("andrews") := rec(
  DigraphDiameter := 2;
  NrSpanningTrees := 384;
  IsRegularDigraph := true;

Checking you have updated things correctly

Once you have made these changes, you can check they have worked by quitting and restarting GAP, then running:

DIGRAPHS_LoadNamedDigraphs();  # for the main database
DIGRAPHS_LoadNamedDigraphsTests()  # for the test database

This should populate the global variables DIGRAPHS_NamedDigraphs and DIGRAPHS_NamedDigraphsTests respectively. In our example, the added components should now be found at:
