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A2J - Verfahrensplattform


Node.js and Homebrew

We aim to use the current active LTS version of Node.js, which is V20 at the time of writing. There is a .node-version file to simplify setup using nodenv (install Node version by running nodenv install) or asdf (check and install used Node version by running asdf current).

Additionally we use Git Hooks that can be installed with Homebrew, please check if brew is available on your machine with brew -v command.


Install the project dependencies using npm.

npm install


For E2E and a11y testing with Playwright you will need to install the supported browsers:

npx playwright install

Git Hooks

For the provided Git hooks you will need to install lefthook (git hook manager) and talisman (secrets scanner) brew install lefthook talisman. Afterwards execute lefthook install to initialize the hooks or run lefthook run pre-commit before commiting new changes.

See lefthook.yml for more details and have a look at conventional commit messages.


From your terminal:

npm run dev

This starts your app in development mode, rebuilding assets on file changes.


The application has

Test commands

  • Run unit tests: npm test
  • Run unit tests with watcher: npm test -- --watch
  • Run E2E tests: npm run test:e2e
  • Run A11y tests: npm run test:a11y

Code quality checks (linting & formatting)

The project uses ESLint for linting and Prettier. for formatting.


  • Check formatting: npm run format:check
  • Autofix formatting issues: npm run format:fix
  • Check lint: npm run lint:check
  • Autofix lint issues: npm run lint:fix
  • Check style (formatting & linting): npm run style:check
  • Autofix style issues (formatting & linting): npm run style:fix


Build and run the app in production mode:

npm run build
npm start


The project includes a Dockerfile to create a Docker Image for the project.

You can build the Docker Image using

docker build -t a2j-verfahrensplattform .

and then start it using

docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name a2j-verfahrensplattform a2j-verfahrensplattform

The website is then available under http://localhost:3000

If you want to include any additional files during the build that are not in the app or public directories you need to add them to the .dockerignore file.

The .github/workflows/pipeline.yml GitHub Action includes a build-and-push-image job to build the Docker Image and push it to GitHub Packages.


If you're familiar with deploying node applications, the built-in Remix app server is production-ready.

Make sure to deploy the output of npm run build

  • build/
  • public/build/

Architecture Decision Records

The docs/adr directory contains architecture decisions. For adding new records the adr-tools command-line tool is useful but not strictly necessary:

brew install adr-tools


🇬🇧 Everyone is welcome to contribute the development of the a2j-verfahrensplattform. You can contribute by opening pull request, providing documentation or answering questions or giving feedback. Please always follow the guidelines and our Code of Conduct.

🇩🇪 Jede:r ist herzlich eingeladen, die Entwicklung der a2j-verfahrensplattform mitzugestalten. Du kannst einen Beitrag leisten, indem du Pull-Requests eröffnest, die Dokumentation erweiterst, Fragen beantwortest oder Feedback gibst. Bitte befolge immer die Richtlinien und unseren Verhaltenskodex.

Contributing code

🇬🇧 Open a pull request with your changes and it will be reviewed by someone from the team. When you submit a pull request, you declare that you have the right to license your contribution to the DigitalService and the community. By submitting the patch, you agree that your contributions are licensed under the MIT license.

Please make sure that your changes have been tested befor submitting a pull request.

🇩🇪 Nach dem Erstellen eines Pull Requests wird dieser von einer Person aus dem Team überprüft. Wenn du einen Pull-Request einreichst, erklärst du dich damit einverstanden, deinen Beitrag an den DigitalService und die Community zu lizenzieren. Durch das Einreichen des Patches erklärst du dich damit einverstanden, dass deine Beiträge unter der MIT-Lizenz lizenziert sind.

Bitte stelle sicher, dass deine Änderungen getestet wurden, bevor du einen Pull-Request sendest.