The goal of this session is for you to experience the power of Infrastructure as Code and GitOps to automate the provisioning, modification, and extension of a Kubernetes cluster.
- Chapter 1 - Create a DigitalOcean Kubernetes Cluster with Terraform
- Chapter 2 - Build a GitOps Pipeline with Flux
- Chatper 3 - Encrypt Kubernetes Secrets Using Sealed Secrets
- Chapter 4 - Make Your Cluster a Universal Control Plane with Crossplane
- Chapter 5 - Destroy a DigitalOcean Kubernetes Cluster with Terraform
In this workshop, you will spin up a DigitalOcean Managed Kubernetes Cluster. You will get a $100 credit for this workshop, and in order to redeem the credit, you will need a DigitalOcean Account.
Once you are logged into your DigitalOcean account, go to the billing page, find the promo code section and enter the code KubeconEU22
^ This promo code has been updated since the live workshop.
If you have an existing DigitalOcean account that has already used a promo code, we will have to manually add the credits to your account. There are two ways to handle this at the session:
- Share the email address associated with your account and we will manually apply the code after the workshop
- send Kim Schlesinger a message in the CNCF Slack and share the email address associated with your DigitalOcean account
- Create a new account with a different email address.
You will need to install these tools in order to complete the tutorial
- n/a
If you get stuck during the workshop, please try the following things in order:
- Reread the instructions and try the last command again
- Google the error
- If you are at the conference in-person, ask for help from someone sitting near you, or go to the back where a teaching assistant can help you
- Ask for help in the
Slack channel
If you enjoyed this workshop, please checkout some of DigitalOcean's other Kubernetes learning materials at our Kubernetes Resources Page.