The Sauti Market Monitoring application is a data visualization and calculation tool to determine where the crisis hotspots are in East African countries.
Staging Server: N/A Production Server: (DEPLOYED ON AWS) Github repositories: Front-End: (HOSTED ON AWS) Back-End: (HOSTED ON HEROKU) DS: (HOSTED ON HEROKU)
Trello / Notion board: Trello board: Notion doc:
Front-End: React DataTables (jquery) Ant Design
Back-End: Express PostgreSQL
Data Science: Flask PostgreSQL
Web: John Greenberg (Front-end) Mina Ramzey (Back-end)
Data Science: Jesus Caballero Jing Qian Taylor Curran
Full Search Query functionality on product page Notification feature: notifies the user when a product is in Crisis Full mobile responsiveness
The data source is a staging database with several historical years of product price info.
Products are sorted into 'Crisis', 'Alert', and 'Stress' levels, according to the ARIMA and ALPS methodologies.