Present here you can find various models specifically designed to curate to the various undermentioned datasets on various popular algorithms which are highly accepted on this type of data. My main objective was to use the various cancer related classification datasets that are publicly available and are found easily to predict cancer malignancy. In all you can find a comparative analysis of each algorithm with respect to the dataset used.
- Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic) Dataset
- Lung Cancer Dataset
- Prostate Cancer Dataset
- Brain Tumour Dataset
- Logistic Regression
- Decision Tree Classifier
- Random Forest Classifier
- Gaussian Naive Bayes
I am working on a model which further can classify and get better results than the above mentioned algorithms. The results which I have achieved so far are shown below.
In future I look forward to improve the major defects in my model and algorithm like reducing high time and space consumption that it faces for larger datasets and further improve the accuracy.