Reducing number of files for simulation steps by looping over an array of steps
What's Changed
- adding dagman name in mail to specify job by @diemort in #83
- renaming dagman file to facilitate mail setup by @diemort in #86
- 2018ul: correcting curly brackets in bash scripts by @diemort in #90
- correcting command to proper remove LHE header when merging LHE files in FPMC and SCv4 by @diemort in #94
- moving Phase2 sim to PrivSim folder by @diemort in #99
- moving init sendmail to common folder by @diemort in #100
- init for FPMC Run3 by @diemort in #104
- adding init script for all LPAIR scripts for Run3 plus renaming dagman files to match process by @diemort in #105
- removing submit-all in SCv4 Run3 and correcting GamGamWW SD dagman file by @diemort in #106
- correcting spurious line in in FPMC Run3 by @diemort in #110
- simplifying the loop over simulation steps by @diemort in #115
Full Changelog: v3.0...v3.1