The objective of this React project was to incorporate the best practices of the framework, as well as to gain an understanding of using Hooks and connecting a Node.js API to create and retrieve information for display in this React frontend.
Process of setting up the development environment.
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start the frontend server:
npm start
I learned how to use forms in React.js, send data to the API, and manage the global state of the application. I also learned how to use JWTs to authenticate users and resume their sessions.
I used the React Router library to handle private and public routes in the application.
I learned how to create the Upload View to upload images to the server.
I created a generic component for each of the posts, as well as components for the like button and the comment form. I combined them all to have a post. Additionally, I developed pagination to paginate API responses.
The Post View is responsible for showing an individual post. It is the perfect example to see how I can reuse the components I created for the Feed.
Without Explore, Clontagram users cannot find other users to follow or see photos that are not in their feed. In this view, I learned how to synchronize multiple server calls and also built a grid to show multiple photos.
The Profile is the home of our users. In this view, I implemented the ability to follow other users, as well as the logic to upload a photo for the avatar and reuse components from the Explore View.